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Petitionary Prayer—Caught in the Chaos of Strange Attractors: A Study of Divine Action in the Writings of John Polkinghorne
Theology and Science ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14746700.2021.1944511
Robert Q. Lewis


In the field of science and religion, divine action, or how God acts on the world, raises complex questions. The goal of this research is to investigate whether a belief in the efficacy of petitionary prayer, evidenced through a particular model of divine action, is warranted. In particular, I will assess whether John Polkinghorne’s model of divine action is sufficient to sustain a belief in petitionary prayer. In the end, I conclude that Polkinghorne’s model is inadequate to account for petitionary prayer due to Polkinghorne’s kenotic theology and the nature of chaotic systems.




在科学和宗教领域,神的作为,或神如何对世界行事,提出了复杂的问题。这项研究的目的是调查是否有理由相信通过特定的神圣行动模型证明的祈求祈祷的功效。特别是,我将评估约翰·波金霍恩 (John Polkinghorne) 的神圣行动模式是否足以维持对祈求祈祷的信仰。最后,我得出结论,由于 Polkinghorne 的神学和混沌系统的性质,Polkinghorne 的模型不足以解释请愿祈祷。
