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The Manulua Framework: how combining multiple research methodologies and theoretical or conceptual frameworks strengthens research with Tongan participants
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples Pub Date : 2021-07-02 , DOI: 10.1177/11771801211017557
Sonia M Fonua 1

When researching with Moana (ocean) or Pacific peoples, a key research consideration is which methodological approach will best acknowledge, engage, and value what is shared. The Manulua (two birds) Framework explores the experiences of successful Tongan science learners in Aotearoa New Zealand and the Kingdom of Tonga. The Manulua Framework draws on four very different theoretical or conceptual frameworks and methods, complementing (1) Tongan and Moana or Pacific approaches to research with aspects of (2) critical realism, (3) relationality through vā (space), and the (4) multiscience framework. Epeli Hau’ofa’s seminal essay Sea of Islands, and the articles of support and critique found in A New Oceania helped situate Oceania as the context, connector, and source of my participants’ stories. This article describes how this combination acknowledged Moana or Pacific values, protocols, knowledge, and beliefs during data collection, analysis, and reflection, offering a way for researchers to consider how to draw upon multiple theoretical or conceptual frameworks and methods in their work.


Manulua 框架:如何结合多种研究方法和理论或概念框架来加强与汤加参与者的研究

在与 Moana(海洋)或太平洋人民进行研究时,一个关键的研究考虑因素是哪种方法论方法最能承认、参与和重视共享的内容。Manulua(两只鸟)框架探索了新西兰奥特罗阿和汤加王国成功的汤加科学学习者的经验。Manulua 框架借鉴了四种截然不同的理论或概念框架和方法,补充了 (1) 汤加和莫阿纳或太平洋研究方法,包括 (2) 批判现实主义,(3) 通过 vā(空间)的关系,以及 (4) ) 多科学框架。Epeli Hau'ofa 的开创性论文海岛,以及在新大洋洲中发现的支持和批评文章帮助将大洋洲定位为参与者故事的背景、连接器和来源。本文描述了这种组合如何在数据收集、分析和反思过程中承认 Moana 或 Pacific 价值观、协议、知识和信念,为研究人员提供一种方式来考虑如何在他们的工作中利用多种理论或概念框架和方法。
