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Neo-trasformismo: Historical legacies and populist revolt
International Sociology ( IF 2.535 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-30 , DOI: 10.1177/0268580920944862
Dylan Riley 1

There have been three main types of political outcome from the Great Recession. The first is an insurgency from the left exemplified by Podemos, now in decline, in Spain. It demands a return to classic European social democracy, but presents itself in a more radical rhetorical garb than its mid twentieth century forbears. The second is an insurgency from the right, best exemplified by Hungary’s Victor Orbán and his Fidesz Party. It demands a return to a national capitalism reminiscent of the 1930s. The third is the uniquely Italian phenomenon of the Five Star Movement-Lega combination combined with the rise of technocratic governments called into existence by an increasingly activist presidency. What explains this third, mixed model?



大萧条产生了三种主要的政治结果。第一个是左翼叛乱,以西班牙的 Podemos 为例,现在正在衰落。它要求回归经典的欧洲社会民主主义,但以比其 20 世纪中叶的先辈更为激进的修辞装束出现。第二个是右翼的叛乱,匈牙利的维克多·奥尔班和他的青年党就是最好的例证。它要求回归让人想起 1930 年代的民族资本主义。第三个是意大利独有的五星级运动-Lega 结合现象,再加上越来越激进的总统任命的技术官僚政府的兴起。什么解释了这第三种混合模型?