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Lessons for Effective Governance: An Examination of the Better Work Program
Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations ( IF 1.180 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-19 , DOI: 10.1163/19426720-02401009
Paul Alois

Recent decades have seen a proliferation of global multistakeholder initiatives that address “problems without passports,” but the effectiveness of these initiatives is debatable. This article discusses Better Work, an initiative that improves labor standards in the garment industry. It provides an overview of the program and discusses five lessons from Better Work that can be applied to other initiatives. These are: cooperation can be more effective than coercion; training complements the application of incentives; local ownership is critical for global initiatives; international organizations can anchor initiatives to prevent capture by powerful stakeholders; and multinational corporations can be responsible partners, but should not play a leading role.



近几十年来,解决“无护照问题”的全球多利益相关方倡议激增,但这些倡议的有效性值得商榷。本文讨论了 Better Work,这是一项旨在提高服装行业劳工标准的举措。它概述了该计划,并讨论了可应用于其他举措的 Better Work 的五个经验教训。它们是:合作比强制更有效;培训是奖励措施的补充;本地所有权对于全球倡议至关重要;国际组织可以采取措施防止被强大的利益相关者捕获;跨国公司可以是负责任的合作伙伴,但不应起主导作用。