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State transformations and welfare models: the significance of the return of public institutions in Ecuador of the Citizen Revolution (2007–2017)
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy Pub Date : 2021-06-29 , DOI: 10.1108/ijssp-10-2020-0484
Gemma Ubasart-González 1 , Analía Mara Minteguiaga 2


The purpose of this paper is to examine the relation between estate transformations produced during the governments of the Citizen Revolution (CR) in Ecuador (2007-2017) and welfare regime transformations.


The CR’s project registers an array of specificities that make it a relevant case study to understand it. Among them, it articulated the transformation of the development model with a comprehensive state reform: emphasized both the modernization of the state and the productive structure, and the creation of the basic pillars of a welfare state. The ambitious project materialized in an ambivalent manner, revealing accomplishments and limitations.


The recovery of resources for the state, the efficient organization of resources, decentralization and deconcentration processes, public administration transformations and policy de-corporatization processes accompanied and even propelled important achievements in the social sphere in terms of decommodification, stratification, commodification and defamiliarization. Ecuador’s starting point, as a small and impoverished country with pubic and communal goods and services dismantled through neoliberal reforms, was quite precarious. But, progress was made. Beyond the identified limitations, its accomplishments must be highlighted because they are novel in comparison to other progressive government experiences, especially in the context of Central Andean countries.


This article vindicates the need to link state transformation processes to welfare regime transformations, as well as the academic literature that informs both fields. The description of what took place in Ecuador in the field of social welfare during the ten years of the CR continues to confirm the theoretical potential of the concept of welfare regime with the necessary translations and appropriations that allow for the analysis of countries in the region. It enables an approach to a more theoretically and methodologically elusive object that is at the same time tremendously potent in analytical terms and in its contributions to social transformations. An object that alludes to areas gravely affected during neoliberal hegemony, linked to public institutionality, state capacity and state autonomy. This is why everything that affects the state and the management of public goods and services must be incorporated into the analysis.




本文的目的是研究厄瓜多尔(2007-2017 年)公民革命 (CR) 政府期间产生的遗产转型与福利制度转型之间的关系。


CR 的项目记录了一系列特殊性,使其成为理解它的相关案例研究。其中,发展模式转变与国家全面改革相衔接:强调国家现代化和生产结构现代化,打造福利国家的基本支柱。这个雄心勃勃的项目以一种矛盾的方式实现,揭示了成就和局限性。




本文证明了将国家转型过程与福利制度转型联系起来的必要性,以及为这两个领域提供信息的学术文献。对 CR 十年期间厄瓜多尔在社会福利领域发生的事情的描述继续证实了福利制度概念的理论潜力,并进行了必要的翻译和拨款,以便分析该地区的国家。它使一种方法能够解决一个在理论上和方法上更难以捉摸的对象,同时在分析方面及其对社会变革的贡献方面也非常有效。一个对象暗示在新自由主义霸权期间受到严重影响的领域,与公共制度、国家能力和国家自治有关。
