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Direct social perception of others’ subjective time
Cognitive Systems Research ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cogsys.2021.06.003
Isabelle Wentworth

In this paper, I deploy Gallagher et al.’s theory of Direct Social Perception (DSP) to help explain how we perceive others’ subjective time. This process of second-person temporal perception plays an important role in interpersonal interaction, yet is often glossed over in discussions of intersubjectivity. Using A.D. Craig (2009) ‘awareness’ model of subjective time to unify converging evidence that subjective time is embodied, affective, and situated, I argue that subjective time cannot be considered as a hidden or invisible aspect of a private mind, but is partially externally visible through our gestures, expressions, and other behaviours as they unfold within a particular context. My central thesis is that, in face to face interactions, we are able to directly perceive these visible components of other people’s subjective time. This is made possible by our “enculturated” (Menary, 2015) and enactive perceptual faculties. The process of social perception is not a passive, unidirectional affair where static information about one person’s subjective time is transmitted to the other, but rather inextricably linked with action (both at the personal and subpersonal level) and interaction effects produced by a dynamic coupling between participants. Such an enactive perspective reveals how others’ subjective time can be perceived in everyday interactions.



在本文中,我运用 Gallagher 等人的直接社会感知 (DSP) 理论来帮助解释我们如何感知他人的主观时间。这种第二人称时间感知过程在人际互动中起着重要作用,但在主体间性的讨论中经常被掩盖。使用 AD Craig (2009) 主观时间的“意识”模型来统一主观时间是具身性、情感性和定位性的会聚证据,我认为主观时间不能被视为私人思想的隐藏或不可见的方面,而是部分通过我们的手势、表情和其他行为,当它们在特定环境中展开时,它们是外部可见的。我的中心论点是,在面对面的互动中,我们能够直接感知其他人主观时间的这些可见成分。我们的“文化”(Menary,2015)和活跃的感知能力使这成为可能。社会感知的过程不是一个被动的、单向的事件,其中关于一个人主观时间的静态信息被传递给另一个人,而是与行动(在个人和次个人层面)和由之间的动态耦合产生的互动效果密不可分。参与者。这种积极的视角揭示了如何在日常互动中感知他人的主观时间。而是与行动(在个人和次个人层面)和参与者之间动态耦合产生的互动效果密不可分。这种积极的视角揭示了如何在日常互动中感知他人的主观时间。而是与行动(在个人和次个人层面)和参与者之间动态耦合产生的互动效果密不可分。这种积极的视角揭示了如何在日常互动中感知他人的主观时间。
