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Digging Deeper: Considering the Marginalizing Experience of Homelessness in Developing Program Performance Objectives
Public Performance & Management Review ( IF 2.806 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-19 , DOI: 10.1080/15309576.2020.1778045
Vanessa M. Fenley 1

Abstract Engaging citizens in performance work can be difficult and resource-intensive and may yield few instrumental benefits. Some argue it is still beneficial for democratic purposes as it enables government to be more responsive to community preferences and needs. This paper argues there is an additional layer to understanding citizen preferences that involves connecting citizens’ lived experiences to their perspectives on performance objectives. This research explores this topic in the context of citizens with the lived experience of homelessness. Interviews with formerly homeless individuals and with professional administrators working in the affordable housing and homelessness fields reveal these citizens and administrators often assign different meanings to performance objectives associated with permanent supportive housing programs. In addition, findings indicate the stigma associated with being homeless, the lack of safety while homeless, and the lack of control over one’s life while homeless inform citizen perspectives on performance objectives.



摘要 让公民参与绩效工作可能很困难且需要大量资源,并且可能产生很少的工具性收益。一些人认为它仍然有利于民主目的,因为它使政府能够对社区的偏好和需求做出更积极的反应。本文认为,理解公民偏好还有一个额外的层面,涉及将公民的生活经历与他们对绩效目标的看法联系起来。本研究在具有无家可归经历的公民的背景下探讨了这一主题。对以前无家可归的人以及在经济适用房和无家可归者领域工作的专业管理人员的采访显示,这些公民和管理人员经常为与永久性支持性住房计划相关的绩效目标赋予不同的含义。