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General Principles of Procedural Law in the Practice of the WTO Appellate Body
International Community Law Review Pub Date : 2021-06-24 , DOI: 10.1163/18719732-12341463
Mariana Clara de Andrade 1

The method of identification of general principles and their function as a source of law have long been object of doctrinal debate. This topic is now under the programme of work of the International Law Commission. Relatedly, international courts and tribunals have relied on general principles of procedural law derived from national legal systems in their practice and reasoning, but the methodology employed by adjudicators in importing these sources from domestic law remains obscure. This research examines the use of general principles of procedural law in WTO dispute settlement, in particular by its Appellate Body. The aim is two-fold: first, to study the methodology employed in the identification of general principles of procedural law in the case law of the WTO Appellate Body; second, to examine the functions performed by general principles in the practice of this international jurisdiction.



确定一般原则的方法及其作为法律渊源的功能长期以来一直是学说争论的对象。该专题现在属于国际法委员会的工作方案。与此相关的是,国际法院和法庭在其实践和推理中依赖于源自国家法律体系的程序法一般原则,但裁判员从国内法引入这些渊源所采用的方法仍然模糊不清。本研究考察了程序法一般原则在 WTO 争端解决中的使用,特别是其上诉机构。目的有两个:第一,研究在世贸组织上诉机构判例法中确定程序法一般原则所采用的方法;第二,
