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From the Editor
Journal of Plastic Film & Sheeting ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-29 , DOI: 10.1177/87560879211028690
John R. Wagner 1

The COVID-19 corona virus pandemic continues its spread throughout the world. At this writing it passed 175 million cases and is rising by ∼400,000 cases per day worldwide and there have been >3.7 million deaths which are increasing by ∼10,000 per day. The third wave covered about 3 months and may have had 3 mini waves inside. The fourth wave peak, which was in April 2021, 7-day moving average was ∼820,000 cases per day. The fourth wave is decreasing, and no one knows if there will be a fifth wave or not. As the world’s experience with this pandemic is not uniform. Will low vaccination rate areas breed a new more dangerous version that will continue to devastate our lives? Or will we reach herd immunity and be able to return to some sort of normalcy?



COVID-19 冠状病毒大流行继续在世界范围内传播。在撰写本文时,它已经超过了 1.75 亿例,并且在全球范围内每天增加约 400,000 例,死亡人数超过 370 万,每天增加约 10,000 例。第三波持续了大约 3 个月,里面可能有 3 个小波。第四波峰值出现在 2021 年 4 月,7 天移动平均每天约 820,000 例。第四波在减少,不知道会不会有第五波。由于世界对这种流行病的经历并不统一。低疫苗接种率地区是否会滋生出一种新的更危险的版本,继续破坏我们的生活?或者我们会达到群体免疫并能够恢复到某种正常状态吗?