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Correction to: A pharmacological chaperone improves memory by reducing Aβ and tau neuropathology in a mouse model with plaques and tangles
Molecular Neurodegeneration ( IF 15.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-28 , DOI: 10.1186/s13024-021-00461-4
Jian-Guo Li 1 , Jin Chiu 1 , Mercy Ramanjulu 2 , Benjamin E Blass 2 , Domenico Praticò 1

Correction to: Mol Neurodegeneration 15, 1 (2020)


After publication of the original article [1], we have been alerted for errors in 2 figure panels. Specifically, in the original Fig. 3E the lanes probed for ADAM-10, Nicastrin, APH-1 and actin were run on different gels. During the first revision of the paper, we actually realized this error and re-run the gels for these proteins so that we could have corrected the figure. The results confirmed the findings, but unfortunately, we did not replace the original representative images in the final version of this panel. Here we want to apologize for the errors appeared in this publication. Despite the errors in the previous data presentation, the original conclusion is sustained as the experiments have been repeated in the lab. The corrected panels have now been replaced in the amended figure below.

In the original Fig. 4E, the lane probed for actin was accidentally placed also in the lane probed for cdk5. This error was not captured in the final version due to our negligence, and we are sorry for this careless mistake. The correct full-blot images for this set of Western blots were included in a supplementary file during peer-review. This file wasn’t included in the paper during the production for the online publication. The correct panel has been inserted in the amended figure below. Again, the conclusion is not impacted by this replacement.

The authors sincerely apologize for these mistakes and any inconvenience that these errors may have created to the readers.

  1. 1.

    Li J-G, Chiu J, Ramanjulu M, Blass BE, Praticò D. A pharmacological chaperone improves memory by reducing Aβ and tau neuropathology in a mouse model with plaques and tangles. Mol Neurodegeneration. 2020;15:1 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13024-019-0350-4.

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  1. Alzheimer’s Center at Temple, Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University, 3500 North Broad Street, MERB, suite 1160, Philadelphia, PA, 19140, USA

    Jian-Guo Li, Jin Chiu & Domenico Praticò

  2. Moulder Center for Drug Discovery Research, School of Pharmacy, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 19140, USA

    Mercy Ramanjulu & Benjamin E. Blass

  1. Jian-Guo LiView author publications

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  2. Jin ChiuView author publications

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  3. Mercy RamanjuluView author publications

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  4. Benjamin E. BlassView author publications

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  5. Domenico PraticòView author publications

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Correspondence to Domenico Praticò.

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Li, JG., Chiu, J., Ramanjulu, M. et al. Correction to: A pharmacological chaperone improves memory by reducing Aβ and tau neuropathology in a mouse model with plaques and tangles. Mol Neurodegeneration 16, 42 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13024-021-00461-4

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13024-021-00461-4


更正:药理学伴侣通过减少斑块和缠结小鼠模型中的 Aβ 和 tau 神经病理学改善记忆

更正:Mol Neurodegeneration 15, 1 (2020)


在原始文章 [1] 发表后,我们收到了 2 个图形面板中的错误警告。具体来说,在原始图 3E 中,探测 ADAM-10、Nicastrin、APH-1 和肌动蛋白的泳道在不同的凝胶上运行。在论文的第一次修订期间,我们实际上意识到了这个错误,并重新运行了这些蛋白质的凝胶,以便我们可以更正这个数字。结果证实了这些发现,但不幸的是,我们没有替换该面板最终版本中的原始代表性图像。在此,我们要对本出版物中出现的错误表示歉意。尽管之前的数据呈现中存在错误,但由于在实验室中重复进行了实验,因此原始结论得以维持。修正后的面板现在已在下面的修正图中被替换。

在原始图 4E 中,检测肌动蛋白的泳道也意外放置在检测 cdk5 的泳道中。由于我们的疏忽,最终版本中没有捕捉到这个错误,对于这个粗心的错误,我们深表歉意。在同行评审期间,这组蛋白质印迹的正确全印迹图像包含在补充文件中。在在线出版物的制作过程中,该文件未包含在论文中。正确的面板已插入下面的修正图中。同样,结论不受此替换的影响。


  1. 1.

    Li JG、Chiu J、Ramanjulu M、Blass BE、Praticò D。一种药理学伴侣通过减少斑块和缠结小鼠模型中的 Aβ 和 tau 神经病理学来改善记忆。摩尔神经变性。2020;15:1 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13024-019-0350-4。

    CAS 文章 Google Scholar



  1. 天普阿尔茨海默病中心,天普大学刘易斯卡茨医学院,北布罗德街 3500 号,MERB,1160 套房,费城,宾夕法尼亚州,19140,美国


  2. 莫尔德药物发现研究中心,天普大学药学院,宾夕法尼亚州费城,19140,美国

    Mercy Ramanjulu & Benjamin E. Blass

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Li, JG.、Chiu, J.、Ramanjulu, M.等。更正:药理学伴侣通过减少具有斑块和缠结的小鼠模型中的 Aβ 和 tau 神经病理学来改善记忆。分子神经变性 16, 42 (2021)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s13024-021-00461-4


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  • DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s13024-021-00461-4
