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Responding to Negative Electronic Word of Mouth to Improve Purchase Intention
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research ( IF 5.318 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-28 , DOI: 10.3390/jtaer16060109
Robert Zinko , Angela Patrick , Christopher P. Furner , Shalanda Gaines , Mi Dya Kim , Matthew Negri , Elsy Orellana , Shelby Torres , Carmen Villarreal

Retailers have little control over what their customers say about their products and services online. Review platforms (e.g., Yelp and Travelocity) are rife with negativity, from both real customers with bad experiences and from fake reviews created by competitors. These negative reviews have been shown to influence the purchasing behavior of future consumers. Many platforms do afford companies some control by including them in the online conversation about their products or services. Crafting a response to a poor review which appeals to future consumers may mitigate some of the negative outcomes associated with that review. This study advances our knowledge of responding to negative reviews by adding to the growing body of research, using a simulation-based experiment to test the influence of three elements of a review response on purchase intention (i.e., an apology, an explanation and a pledge to correct the problem identified in the review). In doing so, the data show that purchase intention increases only when a response contains all three elements. Implications for e-commerce researchers and review platform developers are discussed.



零售商几乎无法控制客户对在线产品和服务的评价。评论平台(例如 Yelp 和 Travelocity)充斥着负面情绪,既有体验不佳的真实客户,也有竞争对手创建的虚假评论。这些负面评论已被证明会影响未来消费者的购买行为。许多平台确实通过将公司包含在有关其产品或服务的在线对话中来为公司提供一些控制权。对吸引未来消费者的差评做出回应可能会减轻与该评论相关的一些负面结果。这项研究通过增加越来越多的研究,提高了我们对负面评论做出反应的知识,使用基于模拟的实验来测试评论回复的三个要素对购买意愿的影响(即道歉、解释和纠正评论中发现的问题的承诺)。这样做时,数据表明只有当响应包含所有三个元素时,购买意愿才会增加。讨论了对电子商务研究人员和评论平台开发人员的影响。