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Teachers’ Descriptions of Mathematics Graphics for Students with Visual Impairments: A Preliminary Investigation
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness ( IF 1.128 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0145482x20923442
L. Penny Rosenblum 1 , Li Cheng 2 , Kim Zebehazy 3 , Robert Wall Emerson 4 , Carole R. Beal 2

Recent studies indicate that students with visual impairments (i.e., blindness or low vision) struggle when working with mathematics graphics such as line and bar graphs, circle graphs, and Venn diagrams (Beal & Rosenblum, 2018; Mazella et al., 2014; Morash & McKerracher, 2014). Students with visual impairments frequently report that they are not able to keep up with sighted classmates on mathematics problems that involve graphics (Zebehazy & Wilton, 2014b). Many teachers of students with visual impairments also report that their students are often not able to use mathematics graphics independently (Zebehazy & Wilton, 2014a). Teachers of students with visual impairments clearly have an important opportunity to promote graphics literacy skills for students with visual impairments through providing descriptions to make educational content accessible. Guidelines for appropriate image descriptions have been developed by the National Center on Accessible Materials (NCAM), a leader in accessible multimedia design (The Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family National Center for Accessible Media, n.d.; Freed et al., 2015; Wall



最近的研究表明,有视觉障碍(即失明或低视力)的学生在使用数学图形(例如折线图和条形图、圆形图和维恩图)时会遇到困难(Beal & Rosenblum,2018 年;Mazella 等人,2014 年;Morash和麦克拉彻,2014 年)。有视觉障碍的学生经常报告说,他们在涉及图形的数学问题上跟不上视力正常的同学(Zebehazy & Wilton,2014b)。许多视力障碍学生的老师也报告说,他们的学生通常无法独立使用数学图形(Zebehazy & Wilton,2014a)。视觉障碍学生的教师显然有一个重要的机会,可以通过提供描述使教育内容易于理解来提高视觉障碍学生的图形素养技能。无障碍多媒体设计的领导者国家无障碍材料中心 (NCAM) 制定了适当的图像描述指南(Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family National Center for Accessible Media, nd; Freed et al., 2015; Wall