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Quantification of Chaoborus and small fish by mobile upward-looking echosounding
Journal of Limnology ( IF 1.673 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-03 , DOI: 10.4081/jlimnol.2018.1837
Roman Baran , Michal Tušer , Helge Balk , Petr Blabolil , Martin Čech , Vladislav Draštík , Jaroslava Frouzova , Tomáš Jůza , Jan Kubecka

Chaoborus larvae inhabit frequently the water column of lakes, when they can be mistaken for small fish. Because larvae ascend up to the blind zone of downward-looking echo sounding at night, quantitative acoustic estimation of them is possible only with upwardlooking approach. For this reason, the mobile hydroacoustic upward-looking system (120 and 38 kHz split-beam echosounder) in combination with a direct catch method (trawling) was tested to investigate the night community of invertebrates and juvenile fish in the surface layer of the Římov reservoir (Czech Republic). In the target strength range of invertebrates (smaller than -59 dB), the 38 kHz echosounder recorded only a small proportion of targets while the 120 kHz echosounder recorded distinct peaks corresponding to high densities of Chaoborus (target strength, TS range -70 to -60 dB, average TS -66 to -64 dB). At 120 kHz frequency, the TS distribution of smaller cohort of juvenile fish (<25 mm in length) overlapped the TS-distribution of Chaoborus. The number of these smaller juvenile fish was so small compared with the number of Chaoborus that they did not seriously bias acoustic Chaoborus estimate. The correlation between the density of Chaoborus with small contamination of juvenile fish larvae from trawling and acoustic recording made with the 120 kHz echosounder was high (R2=0.88), but the acoustic densities from trace counting appeared to underestimate Chaoborus abundance when the density was >1.5 ind.m–3. Corresponding author: kubecka@hbu.cas.cz



Chaoborus 幼虫经常栖息在湖泊的水体中,有时会被误认为是小鱼。由于幼虫在夜间上升到向下回声探测的盲区,因此只能通过向上的方法对其进行定量声学估计。为此,对移动水声仰视系统(120 和 38 kHz 分束测深仪)与直接捕捞方法(拖网)相结合进行了测试,以调查 Římov 表层无脊椎动物和幼鱼的夜间群落水库(捷克共和国)。在无脊椎动物的目标强度范围内(小于-59 dB),38 kHz 回声测深仪仅记录了一小部分目标,而 120 kHz 回声测深仪记录了对应于高密度 Chaoborus(目标强度,TS 范围 -70 至 - 60 分贝,平均 TS -66 至 -64 dB)。在 120 kHz 频率下,较小群体的幼鱼(长度 <25 毫米)的 TS 分布与 Chaoborus 的 TS 分布重叠。这些较小的幼鱼的数量与潮波罗的数量相比非常少,以至于它们没有严重偏离声波潮波的估计。Chaoborus 的密度与来自拖网捕捞的幼鱼幼鱼的小污染与使用 120 kHz 回声测深仪进行的声学记录之间的相关性很高(R2 = 0.88),但当密度> 1.5 ind.m–3。通讯作者: kubecka@hbu.cas.cz 这些较小的幼鱼的数量与潮波罗的数量相比非常少,以至于它们没有严重偏离声波潮波的估计。Chaoborus 的密度与来自拖网捕捞的幼鱼幼体的小污染与使用 120 kHz 回声测深仪进行的声学记录之间的相关性很高(R2 = 0.88),但当密度大于1.5 ind.m–3。通讯作者: kubecka@hbu.cas.cz 这些较小的幼鱼的数量与潮波罗的数量相比非常少,以至于它们没有严重偏离声波潮波的估计。Chaoborus 的密度与来自拖网捕捞的幼鱼幼体的小污染与使用 120 kHz 回声测深仪进行的声学记录之间的相关性很高(R2 = 0.88),但当密度大于1.5 ind.m–3。通讯作者: kubecka@hbu.cas.cz 但是当密度 >1.5 ind.m–3 时,来自微量计数的声学密度似乎低估了 Chaoborus 的丰度。通讯作者: kubecka@hbu.cas.cz 但是当密度 >1.5 ind.m–3 时,来自微量计数的声学密度似乎低估了 Chaoborus 的丰度。通讯作者: kubecka@hbu.cas.cz