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The association between foot temperature and hoof lesions in sheep
Livestock Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.livsci.2021.104606
Louise Eyre , Zoë J. Huggett , Kimberley R. Slinger , Christina Siettou , Matt J. Bell

Lameness, predominantly caused by footrot and interdigital dermatitis, is a common issue in sheep flocks with negative consequences for animal welfare and productivity. Simple and cheap methods to prevent and monitor lameness are desirable to decrease prevalence within flocks. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a high foot temperature threshold can be used as an early warning for the development of hoof lesions and lameness in sheep. A flock of 47 pregnant ewes and seven non-pregnant ewe lambs were randomly allocated into two equal groups and placed in two different but similar permanent pasture fields for the duration of the study. Foot temperature was measured with a temperature probe placed on the interdigital skin on three dates over approximately 4 weeks. This study showed that increased foot temperature was associated with higher lesion scores (recorded lesions covered a scale of 0 to 3), with healthy feet having a mean temperature of 20°C and feet with severe lesion scores having a mean temperature of 31°C. Also, back feet had a higher foot temperature and lesion score than front feet (P<0.001). This study suggests that a threshold of 26.5°C in the back feet of sheep (mean foot temperature for a lesion score of 1 in back feet) could be used as an indication of when to foot bath or treat feet, and minimise hoof lesions in sheep.



跛行主要由脚腐病和趾间皮炎引起,是羊群中的常见问题,对动物福利和生产力产生负面影响。预防和监测跛行的简单而廉价的方法是降低鸡群流行率的理想方法。本研究的目的是调查高足温阈值是否可以用作羊蹄部病变和跛足发展的早期预警。在研究期间,一群 47 只怀孕的母羊和 7 只未怀孕的母羊羔被随机分配到两个相等的组中,并放置在两个不同但相似的永久性牧场中。在大约 4 周内的三个日期,用放置在叉指皮肤上的温度探头测量足部温度。该研究表明,脚部温度升高与较高的病变评分相关(记录的病变涵盖 0 到 3 级),健康脚的平均温度为 20°C,而严重病变评分的脚平均温度为 31°C . 此外,后足的足部温度和病变评分高于前足(P<0.001)。该研究表明,绵羊后足的阈值 26.5°C(后足病变评分为 1 的平均足部温度)可用作足浴或治疗足部的指示,并最大限度地减少蹄部病变。羊。001)。这项研究表明,绵羊后足的 26.5°C 阈值(后足病变评分为 1 的平均足部温度)可用作足浴或治疗足部的指示,并最大限度地减少蹄部病变。羊。001)。该研究表明,绵羊后足的阈值 26.5°C(后足病变评分为 1 的平均足部温度)可用作足浴或治疗足部的指示,并最大限度地减少蹄部病变。羊。
