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Verbal humor in selected Indonesian stand up comedian’s discourse: Semantic analysis using GVTH
Cogent Arts & Humanities Pub Date : 2021-06-27 , DOI: 10.1080/23311983.2021.1943927
Mulyadi Mulyadi 1 , Muhammad Yusuf 2 , Rumnasari K Siregar 2


Humor is inevitable and can be found in many aspects of human life. In Indonesia, stand-up comedy (SUC) becomes a trend proven by the existence of some talent competitions in this area. This study attempts to investigate verbal humor in SUC discourse by implementing general verbal theory of humor (GVTH). This study employed content analysis as the research design. The data were obtained from five selected audio-video recording of SUC of Dodit Mulyanto (DM) in SUCI4 program broadcasted by Metro TV. The data were in the form of utterances and transcription was processed and downloaded from Sonix.ai totaling to 29 data. The data were analyzed through some parameters namely script opposition (SO), logical mechanism (LM), situation (Si), target (Tar), narrative strategy (NS), and language (L). The findings reveal that logical mechanisms used in the data are various such as false analogy, fallacious reasoning, absurd neologism/interpretation, and word repetition. During his performance, simple narrative strategy is also used predominantly combined with dialogue style. As the target of the comedy, DM dominantly targeted himself/his life as the material delivered to the audience. This style is interpreted as a strategy to avoid insulting others and breaking someone’s face.


选定的印度尼西亚脱口秀喜剧演员话语中的言语幽默:使用 GVTH 进行语义分析


幽默是不可避免的,可以在人类生活的许多方面找到。在印度尼西亚,单口喜剧(SUC)成为一种趋势,这一领域存在一些才艺比赛就证明了这一点。本研究试图通过实施一般幽默言语理论(GVTH)来研究 SUC 话语中的言语幽默。本研究采用内容分析作为研究设计。数据来自地铁电视台播出的 SUCI4 节目中 Dodit Mulyanto (DM) 的 SUC 的五个精选音视频记录。数据采用话语的形式,转录处理并从 Sonix.ai 下载,共计 29 条数据。数据通过一些参数进行分析,即脚本对立(SO)、逻辑机制(LM)、情境(Si)、目标(Tar)、叙事策略(NS)和语言(L)。研究结果表明,数据中使用的逻辑机制多种多样,例如错误类比、错误推理、荒谬的新词/解释和单词重复。在他的表演中,也主要采用简单的叙事策略与对话风格相结合。作为喜剧的对象,DM主要以他/他的生活为目标,作为传递给观众的素材。这种风格被解释为一种避免侮辱他人和丢脸的策略。
