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Evolution of Angioid Streaks
Ophthalmologica Pub Date : 1993-01-01 , DOI: 10.1159/000310407
A.M. Mansour , Naseem H. Ansari , Jerry A. Shields , William H. Annesley, Jr. , Cathleen M. Cronin , Lee Stock

Angioid streaks of the fundus are not apparent at birth. In order to study their evolution, we examined in a retrospective manner the fundus pictures of 111 subjects with angioid streaks. The earliest form of angioid streaks became apparent at age 8 with findings of narrow short radial discontinuous hypopigmented streaks. Thereafter angioid streaks enlarged in length and width. The end-stage was disciform macular degeneration, helicoid peripapillary atrophy, or diffuse choroidal sclerosis with obscuration of the angioid streaks. We conclude that angioid streaks represent a dynamic manifestation of an underlying retinochoroidal degenerative process.



出生时眼底血管样条纹不明显。为了研究它们的演变,我们以回顾性的方式检查了 111 名血管样条纹受试者的眼底图片。血管样条纹的最早形式在 8 岁时变得明显,发现狭窄的短径向不连续色素减退条纹。此后血管样条纹在长度和宽度上扩大。最终阶段是盘状黄斑变性、螺旋状视乳头周围萎缩或弥漫性脉络膜硬化伴血管样条纹模糊。我们得出结论,血管样条纹代表潜在的视网膜脉络膜退行性过程的动态表现。