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Heavy Quark Mesons: Mass Spectrum and Mass Relations
Few-Body Systems ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s00601-021-01624-1
J. Ahmed , R. Manzoor , L. Chang , A. Raya , K. Raya

We derive an assumption-free mass relation that connects heavy-quark mesons (\(c\bar{c}\), \(b\bar{b}\) and \(B_c\) mesons) with different quantum numbers, but same orbital angular momentum. The obtained formula is exact, provided the hyperfine mass splitting, \(\delta _{hf}\), and \(\delta _\xi :=M(n^1 L_\ell )/M(n^3 L_\ell )-1\) are determined independently. For completeness, we obtain the heavy-quark mesons spectrum following a Schrödinger wave equation (SWE) approach. The Song-Lin potential is employed along with the corresponding relativistic corrections, namely: spin-spin, spin-orbit and tensor interactions. Our numerical strategy is based upon the Numerov method, which enables us to cast our SWE approach into a matrix eigenvalue problem, for which high numerical accuracy can be achieved. Notably, only a single set of parameters is required to produce the known spectrum of the heavy-quark mesons.



我们推导出一种无假设的质量关系,该关系连接具有不同量子数的重夸克介子(\(c\bar{c}\)\(b\bar{b}\)\(B_c\)介子),但是相同的轨道角动量。得到的公式是准确的,前提是超精细质量分裂\(\delta _{hf}\)\(\delta _\xi :=M(n^1 L_\ell )/M(n^3 L_\嗯)-1\)是独立确定的。为完整起见,我们按照薛定谔波动方程 (SWE) 方法获得重夸克介子谱。松林势与相应的相对论修正一起使用,即:自旋-自旋、自旋-轨道和张量相互作用。我们的数值策略基于 Numerov 方法,这使我们能够将 SWE 方法转化为矩阵特征值问题,从而可以实现高数值精度。值得注意的是,只需要一组参数就可以产生已知的重夸克介子谱。
