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Economic burden of highly active relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients in the French national health insurance database
Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-08 , DOI: 10.1080/14737167.2021.1945926
Olivier Vandhuick 1 , Marianne Payet 2 , Emmanuelle Préaud 2 , Joannie Lortet-Tieulent 3 , Fanny Raguideau 3 , Olivier Chevreuil 2 , Benoit van Hille 2 , Arnaud Kwiatkowski 4



As healthcare management of highly active-relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (HA-RRMS) patients is more complex than for the whole multiple sclerosis (MS) population, this study assessed the related economic burden from a National Health Insurance’s (NHI’s) perspective.

Research design and methods

Study based on French NHI databases, using individual data on billing and reimbursement of outpatient and hospital healthcare consumption, paid sick leave and disability pension, over 2010–2017.


Of the 9,596 HA-RRMS adult patients, data from 7,960 patients were analyzed with at least 2 years of follow-up. Mean annual cost/patient was €29,813. Drugs represented 40% of the cost, hospital care 33%, disability pensions 9%, and all healthcare professionals’ visits combined 8%. Among 3,024 patients under 60 years-old with disability pension, disability pension cost €7,168/patient/year. Among 3,807 patients with paid sick leave, sick leave cost €1,956/patient/year. Mean costs were €2,246/patient higher the first year and increased by €1,444 between 2010 and 2015, with a €5,188 increase in drug-related expenditures and a €634 increase in healthcare professionals’ visits expenditures but a €4,529 decrease in hospital care expenditures.


The cost of health care sick leaves, and disability pensions of HA-RRMS patients was about twice as high as previously reported cost of MS patients.





由于高度活跃-复发-缓解型多发性硬化症 (HA-RRMS) 患者的医疗保健管理比整个多发性硬化症 (MS) 人群更复杂,因此本研究从国民健康保险 (NHI) 的角度评估了相关的经济负担。


基于法国 NHI 数据库的研究,使用 2010-2017 年门诊和医院医疗保健消费、带薪病假和残疾养老金的计费和报销的个人数据。


在 9,596 名 HA-RRMS 成年患者中,对 7,960 名患者的数据进行了至少 2 年的随访分析。平均每年每位患者的费用为 29,813 欧元。药物占成本的 40%,医院护理占 33%,残疾养老金占 9%,所有医疗保健专业人员的就诊合计占 8%。在 3,024 名 60 岁以下领取残疾抚恤金的患者中,残疾抚恤金费用为 7,168 欧元/患者/年。在 3,807 名带薪病假的患者中,病假费用为 1,956 欧元/患者/年。第一年的平均成本为 2,246 欧元/患者,在 2010 年至 2015 年期间增加了 1,444 欧元,药物相关支出增加了 5,188 欧元,医疗保健专业人员的就诊支出增加了 634 欧元,但医院护理减少了 4,529 欧元支出。


HA-RRMS 患者的医疗病假和残疾抚恤金的成本大约是之前报道的 MS 患者成本的两倍。
