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Victorian Periodicals Review Pub Date : 2021-06-24

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Biographies

Karen Bourrier is an associate professor of English at the University of Calgary specializing in Victorian literature and culture, the digital humanities, disability studies, and women's writing. She is the author of Victorian Bestseller: The Life of Dinah Craik (2019) and The Measure of Manliness: Disability and Masculinity in the Mid-Victorian Novel (2015).

Rachel Crossland is an independent researcher focusing on literature and science in the modernist period, including generalist periodicals. Until September 2020, she was a senior lecturer in English literature at the University of Chichester. Her first book, Modernist Physics: Waves, Particles, and Relativities in the Writings of Virginia Woolf and D. H. Lawrence, was published by Oxford University Press in 2018.

Richa Dwor is an instructor in the English Department at Douglas College in Vancouver, Canada. She is the author of Jewish Feeling: Difference and Affect in Nineteenth-Century Jewish Women's Writing (Bloomsbury, 2015) and the editor of Nineteenth-Century Religion, Literature and Society: Religious Feeling (Routledge, 2020).

Jennifer Fuller is an assistant professor at Jackson State University, and her research interests consider the connections between nineteenth-century British authors and their environments. Her recent article, "'He Who Has Eyes Let Him See': Sartorial Choice and Soteriological Destiny in R. M. Ballantyne's Jarwin and Cuffy," appeared in the Journal of Victorian Culture in 2020. Her book, Dark Paradise: Pacific Islands in the Nineteenth-Century British Imagination (2016), explores how British authors used depictions of the Pacific to interrogate British identity as defined by principles of religious, racial, cultural, and economic superiority. She is currently working on a book on nineteenth-century scientific literacy.

Richard Fulton is a retired academic administrator and still-practicing Victorian scholar. He is co-editor of South Seas Encounters (Routledge, 2018) and author of Warrior Generation 1865–1885: Militarism and British Working-Class Boys (Bloomsbury, 2020).

Katerina García-Walsh is a doctoral candidate at the University of St. Andrews working on her dissertation, "Spectral Trauma and Narrative Memory in Margaret Oliphant's Gothic." Her article "Mesmerism in Late Victorian Theatre" is forthcoming in Complutense Journal of English Studies, and her research interests lie in Victorian gender and the Gothic.

Helena Goodwyn is a vice-chancellor's senior research fellow in English literature at Northumbria University, Newcastle. Her work has featured in the Journal of Victorian Culture, Victorian Periodicals Review, and Women's Writing (forthcoming). Her first monograph, The Americanization of W. T. Stead, will be published by Edinburgh University Press.

Christopher M. Keirstead is a professor of English at Auburn University. His research and teaching interests focus on Victorian literature and culture, poetry, and travel studies. Recent work includes a chapter on travel and poetry in the Cambridge History of Travel Writing (2019) and articles in Victorian Poetry, Studies in Travel Writing, and Genre. In 2015 he coedited with Marysa Demoor a special issue of Victorian Periodicals Review on the afterlife of the battle of Waterloo in the Victorian periodical press.

Emma Liggins is a senior lecturer in English literature at Manchester Metropolitan University. Her publications include George Gissing, the Working Woman and Urban Culture (2006), The British Short Story (2011), Odd Women? Spinsters, Lesbians and Widows in British Women's Fiction, 1850–1939 (2014), and The Haunted House in Women's Ghost Stories, 1850–1945(2020). She has also published articles in Victorian Periodicals Review and co-edited a special issue on the Strand Magazine.

Paisley Mann teaches in the English Department at Langara College in Vancouver, Canada. She works on representations of the city in Victorian literature and culture. Her article on late Victorian and Edwardian guidebooks for women travelling to Paris appears in the Journal of Victorian Culture.

Mark Neuendorf is a visiting research fellow at the University of Adelaide. His research examines the print cultures of British psychiatry across the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. His work has been published in Medical History, and he is the author of Emotions and the Making of Psychiatric Reform in Britain, 1770–1820, forthcoming with Palgrave Macmillan.

Taya Sazama is a doctoral student in English at the University of South Dakota. Her research investigates nineteenth-century British literature with an emphasis on marriage, courtship, education, and popular...




  • 传记

Karen Bourrier是卡尔加里大学英语副教授,专攻维多利亚文学和文化、数字人文、残疾研究和女性写作。她是《维多利亚时代畅销书:黛娜·克雷克的一生》(2019 年)和《男子气概:维多利亚中期小说中的残疾和阳刚之气》(2015 年)的作者。

Rachel Crossland是一名独立研究员,专注于现代主义时期的文学和科学,包括通才期刊。直到 2020 年 9 月,她在奇切斯特大学担任英语文学高级讲师。她的第一本书《现代主义物理学:弗吉尼亚伍尔夫和 DH 劳伦斯著作中的波、粒子和相对性》于 2018 年由牛津大学出版社出版。

Richa Dwor是加拿大温哥华道格拉斯学院英语系的讲师。她是《犹太情感:十九世纪犹太妇女写作中的差异和影响》(Bloomsbury,2015 年)的作者和《十九世纪宗教、文学和社会:宗教情感》(Routledge,2020 年)的编辑。

詹妮弗·富勒( Jennifer Fuller)是杰克逊州立大学的助理教授,她的研究兴趣是 19 世纪英国作家与其所处环境之间的联系。她最近的文章“'有眼睛的人让他看到':RM Ballantyne 的Jarwin和 Cuffy 中的裁缝选择和 Soteriological Destiny ”发表在 2020 年的维多利亚文化杂志上。她的书《黑暗天堂:十九世纪的太平洋岛屿》- Century British Imagination(2016 年)探讨了英国作家如何使用太平洋的描绘来质疑由宗教、种族、文化和经济优势原则定义的英国身份。她目前正在撰写一本关于 19 世纪科学素养的书。

理查德富尔顿是一位退休的学术行政人员,并且仍在实践维多利亚时期的学者。他是South Seas Encounters(Routledge,2018 年)的联合编辑,也是Warrior Generation 1865–1885:Militarism and British Workers-Class Boys(Bloomsbury,2020 年)的作者。

Katerina García-Walsh是圣安德鲁斯大学的博士研究生,正在撰写她的论文“Margaret Oliphant 哥特式中的光谱创伤和叙事记忆”。她的文章“维多利亚晚期剧院的催眠术”即将发表在Complutense Journal of English Studies 上,她的研究兴趣在于维多利亚时代的性别和哥特式。

海伦娜·古德温( Helena Goodwyn)是纽卡斯尔诺森比亚大学英语文学副校长的高级研究员。她的作品曾在《维多利亚文化杂志》、《维多利亚期刊评论》和《女性写作》(即将出版)上发表。她的第一本专着《WT Stead 的美国化》将由爱丁堡大学出版社出版。

Christopher M. Keirstead是奥本大学的英语教授。他的研究和教学兴趣集中在维多利亚时代的文学和文化、诗歌和旅行研究。最近的工作包括《剑桥旅行写作史》(2019 年)中关于旅行和诗歌的章节以及维多利亚时代诗歌、旅行写作研究流派中的文章。2015 年,他与 Marysa Demoor 共同编辑了维多利亚期刊出版社关于滑铁卢战役来世的《维多利亚期刊评论》特刊。

艾玛·利金斯( Emma Liggins)是曼彻斯特城市大学 (Manchester Metropolitan University) 的英国文学高级讲师。她的出版物包括George Gissing、《职业女性与城市文化》(2006 年)、《英国短篇小说》(2011 年)、《奇怪的女人?英国女性小说中的老处女、女同性恋和寡妇,1850-1939 (2014) 和女性鬼故事中的鬼屋,1850-1945 (2020)。她还在Victorian Periodicals Review 上发表过文章,并在Strand Magazine上共同编辑了一期特刊。

Paisley Mann在加拿大温哥华的兰加拉学院英语系任教。她致力于在维多利亚时代的文学和文化中表现这座城市。她关于维多利亚时代晚期和爱德华时代女性前往巴黎旅游指南的文章发表在《维多利亚时代文化杂志》上

Mark Neuendorf是阿德莱德大学的访问研究员。他的研究考察了 18 和 19 世纪英国精神病学的印刷文化。他的作品已发表在《医学史》上,他是《1770-1820 年英国情绪和精神病学改革的形成》一书的作者,即将与帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦合着。

Taya Sazama是南达科他大学英语专业的博士生。她的研究调查了 19 世纪的英国文学,重点是婚姻、求爱、教育和流行……
