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Quantum Computing for Location Determination
arXiv - CS - Other Computer Science Pub Date : 2021-06-11 , DOI: arxiv-2106.11751
Ahmed Shokry, Moustafa Youssef

Quantum computing provides a new way for approaching problem solving, enabling efficient solutions for problems that are hard on classical computers. It is based on leveraging how quantum particles behave. With researchers around the world showing quantum supremacy and the availability of cloud-based quantum computers with free accounts for researchers, quantum computing is becoming a reality. In this paper, we explore both the opportunities and challenges that quantum computing has for location determination research. Specifically, we introduce an example for the expected gain of using quantum algorithms by providing an efficient quantum implementation of the well-known RF fingerprinting algorithm and run it on an instance of the IBM Quantum Experience computer. The proposed quantum algorithm has a complexity that is exponentially better than its classical algorithm version, both in space and running time. We further discuss both software and hardware research challenges and opportunities that researchers can build on to explore this exciting new domain.



量子计算提供了一种解决问题的新方法,为经典计算机上难以解决的问题提供了有效的解决方案。它基于利用量子粒子的行为方式。随着世界各地的研究人员展示了量子霸权以及为研究人员提供免费帐户的基于云的量子计算机的可用性,量子计算正在成为现实。在本文中,我们探讨了量子计算对位置确定研究的机遇和挑战。具体来说,我们通过提供众所周知的 RF 指纹算法的有效量子实现并在 IBM Quantum Experience 计算机实例上运行它来介绍使用量子算法的预期增益示例。所提出的量子算法在空间和运行时间上都比经典算法版本具有指数级的复杂性。我们进一步讨论了软件和硬件研究的挑战和机遇,研究人员可以利用这些挑战和机遇来探索这个令人兴奋的新领域。