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The importance of increased processing demands in the design of Elicited Imitation tests
Language Teaching Research ( IF 3.401 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-23 , DOI: 10.1177/13621688211026032
Rosemary Erlam 1 , Lan Wei 1

This study is a conceptual replication of Ellis’ ‘Measuring implicit and explicit knowledge of a second language: A psychometric study’, published in Studies in Second Language Acquisition (2005), aiming to establish the importance of including belief statements (hypothesized to increase processing demands) in the design of Elicited Imitation (EI) tests. In a between-groups comparison, 103 participants completed one of two versions of Erlam’s EI test (2006), one which required participants to make a ‘belief’ judgement, and one which did not. Both contained ungrammatical stimuli. Participants were scored for repetition of grammatical stimuli and correction of ungrammatical stimuli. An Exit questionnaire aimed to establish how aware they were of ungrammatical stimuli. Participants also completed a timed grammaticality judgement test (TGJT), an untimed grammaticality judgement test (UGJT), a metalinguistic knowledge test (MKT), and another Elicited Imitation (EI) test designed as a measure of global proficiency. Performance on each EI version was examined in relationship to performance on these measures. There was no variation between performance on either EI test version. The article underscores the need for ongoing research investigating design features of EI tests.



这项研究是埃利斯在第二语言习得研究中发表的“测量第二语言的内隐和外显知识:心理测量研究”的概念复制(2005),旨在确定在诱导模仿 (EI) 测试的设计中包含信念陈述(假设会增加处理需求)的重要性。在组间比较中,103 名参与者完成了 Erlam 的 EI 测试(2006 年)的两个版本之一,一个要求参与者做出“信念”判断,另一个则没有。两者都包含不合语法的刺激。参与者被评分为重复语法刺激和纠正不合语法的刺激。退出问卷旨在确定他们对不符合语法的刺激的了解程度。参与者还完成了定时语法判断测试 (TGJT)、不定时语法判断测试 (UGJT)、元语言知识测试 (MKT) 和另一项旨在衡量全球熟练程度的诱发模仿 (EI) 测试。每个 EI 版本的性能都与这些措施的性能有关。两个 EI 测试版本的性能没有差异。这篇文章强调了对 EI 测试的设计特征进行持续研究的必要性。
