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First Class Tickets—Perks and Library Management
Journal of Library Administration Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/01930826.2020.1845550
Robert P. Holley 1

Abstract A case study presents a public library director who has traveled lavishly with library funding to the annual American Library Conference while three librarians with professional obligations did not receive support. The initial analysis concludes that she did nothing illegal or even unethical and presents reasons why her expenditures may be less troubling than they seem. Nonetheless, she behaved unwisely because her actions may have a negative effect upon employee morale and her relationship with the community. The general principle for all library managers should be to evaluate the necessity of professional travel, especially to attractive locations, and to make sure that an administrator is the appropriate person to represent the library. Beyond travel, administrators should not be exempt from cost saving measures because of the current pandemic. One additional complication is a differing judgment between the administrator and staff about what is a perk and what is an obligation.



摘要 一个案例研究介绍了一位公共图书馆馆长,他带着图书馆的大量资金前往一年一度的美国图书馆大会,而三名有专业义务的图书馆员没有得到支持。初步分析得出的结论是,她没有做任何违法甚至不道德的事情,并提出了为什么她的支出可能没有看起来那么麻烦的原因。尽管如此,她的行为并不明智,因为她的行为可能会对员工士气和她与社区的关系产生负面影响。所有图书馆经理的一般原则应该是评估专业旅行的必要性,尤其是到有吸引力的地方,并确保管理员是代表图书馆的合适人选。除了旅行,由于当前的流行病,管理人员不应免于采取节省成本的措施。另一个复杂因素是管理员和员工对什么是福利和什么是义务的判断不同。