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Urban Development, Land Use, and Spatial Planning for Settlements: Lessons Learned from Yogyakarta City, Indonesia
The American Journal of Economics and Sociology ( IF 1.103 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-23 , DOI: 10.1111/ajes.12393
Rini Rachmawati

A discussion on urban development cannot be separated from a discussion of land and the environment. Property development must be carried out with a variety of socioeconomic and environmental considerations to prevent the paradoxical coincidence that Henry George observed between “progress and poverty.” The purpose of this article is to discuss urban development issues related to land use and the spatial planning of settlements by considering the case of dense settlements on the Code riverbank in the city center of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. By drawing on the work of Anne Haila, a leading land economist who visited the settlements on the Code riverbank, my aim is to determine how changing urban land tenure can transform an area facing the threat of flooding and evictions. Haila’s interviews with people who live in local apartments show that a change of orientation from commodifying urban land to viewing urban land as a commons helps to improve the social conditions of the urban poor, build urban community, and enhance wider urban ecological sustainability.



城市发展的讨论不能与土地和环境的讨论分开。房地产开发必须考虑到各种社会经济和环境因素,以防止亨利乔治观察到的“进步与贫困”之间的矛盾巧合。本文的目的是通过考虑印度尼西亚日惹市中心 Code 河岸上密集定居点的案例,讨论与土地利用和定居点空间规划相关的城市发展问题。通过访问访问 Code 河岸定居点的领先土地经济学家 Anne Haila 的工作,我的目标是确定改变城市土地使用权如何改变面临洪水和驱逐威胁的地区。