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Promoting Swiss Graphic Design and Typography Abroad: The Case of Paris in the 1960s
Design Issues Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1162/desi_a_00623
Constance Delamadeleine

In the postwar period, the Swiss living abroad were considered as the vanguard of Swiss culture and as economic outposts of the country. Swiss graphic designers established in Paris were no exception. Through a close analysis of archival documents and visual material, this article sheds light on the ways the Swiss studio Hollenstein actively contributed to promote Swiss graphic design in the French capital supported by a set of economic and cultural Swiss actors.


在国外推广瑞士平面设计和排版:1960 年代的巴黎案例

战后时期,旅居国外的瑞士人被视为瑞士文化的先锋和国家的经济前哨。在巴黎成立的瑞士平面设计师也不例外。通过对档案文件和视觉材料的仔细分析,本文揭示了瑞士工作室 Hollenstein 在一组经济和文化瑞士演员的支持下,为在法国首都促进瑞士平面设计做出积极贡献的方式。