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Climate Change, Emotions and Religion: Imagining the Future in Central Oceania
Anthropological Forum ( IF 0.915 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00664677.2020.1812051
Elfriede Hermann 1

ABSTRACT Pacific Islanders often respond emotionally and with recourse to their religious beliefs when faced with news about the projected consequences of climate change. In view of these responses, this paper argues that Pacific Islanders frequently combine their emotions with their religiosity in their efforts to shape their future. A case study of the atoll state of Kiribati illustrates this point. Given that most of this Pacific state’s islands are low-lying atolls or reef islands, it is widely considered to be particularly vulnerable to climate change effects. In this context, many citizens of Kiribati have recourse to their Christian beliefs to deal with feelings of uncertainty and imagine a future for their descendants. On the one hand, their religiosity helps them to cope with the worry over their land, fear of a rising sea level and sadness at the thought of a worst-case scenario and develop social resilience. On the other hand, they rely on their beliefs to confirm their love of their land and draw hope and gain strength from it in order to take adaptive measures.



摘要 太平洋岛民在面对有关气候变化预期后果的新闻时,往往会情绪化并求助于他们的宗教信仰。鉴于这些反应,本文认为太平洋岛民经常将他们的情感与宗教信仰结合起来,努力塑造他们的未来。基里巴斯环礁国家的案例研究说明了这一点。鉴于这个太平洋国家的大部分岛屿都是低洼的环礁或礁岛,人们普遍认为它特别容易受到气候变化的影响。在这种情况下,基里巴斯的许多公民求助于他们的基督教信仰来应对不确定感并为他们的后代设想未来。一方面,他们的宗教信仰帮助他们应对对土地的担忧,害怕海平面上升,想到最坏的情况就会悲伤,并培养社会适应能力。另一方面,他们依靠自己的信念来确认他们对土地的热爱,并从中汲取希望并从中获得力量,以采取适应性措施。