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The Effects of a Multimodal Music Program on Young Children’s Facial Expressions During Controlled Singing Tasks
Musicae Scientiae ( IF 2.725 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-22 , DOI: 10.1177/10298649211021463
Jennifer A Bugos 1 , Darlene DeMarie 2 , Miranda Rose Torres , Darbi Lamrani , Ayo A. Gbadamosi 1

Understanding children’s emotional perceptions of creative tasks can contribute to the optimal design of music programs. Little is known of how young children perceive vocal tasks, and whether music training changes their emotional perceptions. This research examined children’s facial expressions while performing vocal imitation and improvisation tasks before and after music training. Young children (N=79) aged four to six years were randomly assigned to a multimodal music program, Lego training, or a no-treatment control group. Their facial expressions while performing the tasks were analyzed, and learning outcomes were assessed by measuring participants’ pitch accuracy and improvisation skills at pre-and post-training. The results yielded no significant differences among the groups’ facial expressions. There was, however, a significant main effect of time such that participants showed more Surprise while performing vocal improvisation tasks. While participants in the multimodal music program scored higher on measures of pitch accuracy and improvisation skill, it may be necessary to increase the duration of early childhood music programs to reduce their feelings of apprehension when performing vocal improvisation tasks.



了解儿童对创造性任务的情感感知有助于优化音乐节目设计。对幼儿如何感知发声任务以及音乐训练是否会改变他们的情绪感知知之甚少。这项研究检查了儿童在音乐训练前后进行声乐模仿和即兴创作时的面部表情。幼儿(N=79) 4 到 6 岁的孩子被随机分配到多模式音乐计划、乐高训练或无治疗对照组。分析了他们在执行任务时的面部表情,并通过测量参与者在训练前和训练后的音高准确性和即兴创作技能来评估学习成果。结果在各组的面部表情之间没有显着差异。然而,有一个显着的时间主效应,使得参与者在执行声乐即兴任务时表现出更多的惊喜。虽然多模式音乐课程的参与者在音高准确性和即兴创作技巧方面的得分更高,但可能有必要增加幼儿音乐课程的持续时间,以减少他们在执行声乐即兴任务时的恐惧感。
