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Growth and profitability of smallholder sengon and teak plantations in the Pati district, Indonesia
Forest Policy and Economics ( IF 4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2021.102539
Hugh T.L. Stewart , Digby H. Race , Dede Rohadi , D. Mark Schmidt

Despite the ambitious target to establish 12.7 million ha of social forestry across Indonesia and various government support for smallholder private forests, implementation has been slow and financial returns for smallholders from timber production have been variable. For most smallholders, any motivation to plant trees competes with their interest in planting short term food or cash crops to support their family's livelihood. Moreover, lack of market knowledge and monetary need often sees smallholders sell their trees at below market prices, rather than at the optimum time for financial returns. Also, a limited understanding of silvicultural options to improve log quality further undermines the financial returns from timber production for smallholders. There are few studies from Indonesia that provide sufficient detail to be able to replicate the financial analysis and benchmark the results against key input variables (e.g., unit costs of production, timber yields by product and log size class, discount rate). Another deficiency is the lack of empirical data on the growth performance of existing smallholder plantations in Indonesia. This article reports on research to fill these knowledge gaps by using inventory data from smallholder plantations in Pati (Central Java) together with other data to develop silvicultural systems that were used to assess the profitability for smallholders of growing sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) and teak (Tectona grandis) for timber. The results indicated that growing sengon on a 6-year rotation was profitable with an estimated net present value (NPV) of USD 1015 ha−1 (Rp 14,218,000 ha−1) at a real discount rate of 8%, with an internal rate of return (IRR) of 20%. Growing teak on a 20-year rotation was also profitable with an NPV of USD 2815 ha−1 at a real discount rate of 8%, and an IRR of 15%. Although the NPV for teak was nearly three times that for sengon, in the long term (i.e., over perpetual rotations), the returns from sengon and teak were closer. Our results support the view that the best opportunity for enhancing smallholder returns from forestry lies in improving the common approach to silviculture, particularly the lack of effective pruning and thinning, to realise the financial potential of timber production.



尽管在印度尼西亚建立 1270 万公顷社会林业的宏伟目标以及政府对小农私有森林的各种支持,但实施进展缓慢,小农从木材生产中获得的财务回报也参差不齐。对于大多数小农来说,任何植树动机都会与他们种植短期粮食或经济作物以维持家庭生计的兴趣相竞争。此外,由于缺乏市场知识和资金需求,小农往往以低于市场价格的价格出售他们的树木,而不是在获得财务回报的最佳时间。此外,对提高原木质量的造林选择的有限了解进一步削弱了小农木材生产的财务回报。印度尼西亚很少有研究提供足够的细节来复制财务分析并将结果与​​关键输入变量(例如,生产的单位成本、按产品和原木大小等级分类的木材产量、贴现率)进行对比。另一个不足是缺乏关于印度尼西亚现有小农种植园生长绩效的经验数据。本文报告了通过使用来自帕蒂(中爪哇省)小农种植园的库存数据以及其他数据来开发用于评估种植森贡小农盈利能力的造林系统的研究,以填补这些知识空白。另一个不足是缺乏关于印度尼西亚现有小农种植园生长绩效的经验数据。本文报告了通过使用来自帕蒂(中爪哇省)小农种植园的库存数据以及其他数据来开发用于评估种植森贡小农盈利能力的造林系统的研究,以填补这些知识空白。另一个不足是缺乏关于印度尼西亚现有小农种植园生长绩效的经验数据。本文报告了通过使用来自帕蒂(中爪哇省)小农种植园的库存数据以及其他数据来开发用于评估种植森贡小农盈利能力的造林系统的研究,以填补这些知识空白。Paraserianthes falcataria)和柚木(Tectona grandis)用于木材。结果表明,在 8% 的实际贴现率下,以 8% 的实际贴现率估计净现值 (NPV) 为 1015 公顷-1美元(14,218,000 公顷-1),以 6 年轮换种植 sengon 是有利可图的,内部利率为回报率 (IRR) 为 20%。以 20 年轮换种植柚木也有利可图,净现值为 2815 美元 ha -1实际贴现率为 8%,内部收益率为 15%。尽管柚木的 NPV 几乎是 sengon 的三倍,但从长期来看(即在永久轮换中),sengon 和柚木的回报更接近。我们的结果支持这样一种观点,即提高小农从林业回报的最佳机会在于改进造林的通用方法,特别是缺乏有效的修剪和间伐,以实现木材生产的财务潜力。
