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Electrocatalytic Performance of BaO-added Ni/SDC Anode for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Fed with Dry CH4
Frontiers in Energy Research ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-22 , DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.652239
Yoshiteru Itagaki , Syuhei Yamaguchi , Hidenori Yahiro

SOFCs fed with dry H2 and CH4 fuels were examined using 20wt% Ni/SDC and 0.2wt% BaO-added 20wt% Ni/SDC (Ni(BaO)/SDC) anodes. The i–v characteristics of the cells in H2 and CH4 resulted in a higher output produced by CH4 fuel compared to that produced by H2 fuel in both anodes. In both fuels, better anode characteristics were obtained for Ni(BaO)/SDC. Consequently, anodic performance was in the order of Ni(BaO)/SDC in CH4 > Ni/SDC in CH4 > Ni(BaO)/SDC in H2 > Ni/SDC in H2. A significant carbon deposition was observed in the Ni/SDC anode in CH4, but the carbon deposition observed at Ni(BaO)/SDC was less. From the DC electrical resistance measurement of the anode films, a remarkable decrease in resistance was observed in Ni/SDC due to the carbon deposition after CH4 exposure. The resistance of Ni(BaO)/SDC was higher than that of Ni/SDC and did not change even after CH4 exposure because of the less carbon deposit. High dispersibility of Ni particles was confirmed in both anodes and was particularly remarkable in Ni(BaO)/SDC. The highest anodic performance in Ni(BaO)/SDC was attributed to the high Ni dispersibility which might promote CH4 decomposition with producing less carbon deposit. It was speculated that the higher cell output in CH4 than in H2 is due to the locally high concentration of H2 and/or CO gas on the anode surface by the promotion of CH4 decomposition.



使用 20wt% Ni/SDC 和 0.2wt% BaO 添加的 20wt% Ni/SDC (Ni(BaO)/SDC) 阳极,对加入干燥 H2 和 CH4 燃料的 SOFC 进行了检测。与 H2 燃料在两个阳极中产生的输出相比,H2 和 CH4 中电池的 i-v 特性导致 CH4 燃料产生的输出更高。在这两种燃料中,Ni(BaO)/SDC 获得了更好的阳极特性。因此,阳极性能的顺序为:CH4 中的 Ni(BaO)/SDC > CH4 中的 Ni/SDC > H2 中的 Ni(BaO)/SDC > H2 中的 Ni/SDC。在 CH4 中的 Ni/SDC 阳极中观察到显着的碳沉积,但在 Ni(BaO)/SDC 处观察到的碳沉积较少。从阳极薄膜的直流电阻测量中,由于 CH4 暴露后的碳沉积,在 Ni/SDC 中观察到电阻显着降低。Ni(BaO)/SDC 的电阻值高于 Ni/SDC 的电阻值,并且即使在 CH4 暴露后也没有变化,因为碳沉积物较少。在两个阳极中都证实了 Ni 颗粒的高分散性,并且在 Ni(BaO)/SDC 中尤为显着。Ni(BaO)/SDC 的最高阳极性能归因于 Ni 的高分散性,这可能会促进 CH4 分解,同时产生较少的积碳。据推测,CH4 电池输出高于 H2 是由于阳极表面上局部高浓度的 H2 和/或 CO 气体通过促进 CH4 分解。Ni(BaO)/SDC 的最高阳极性能归因于 Ni 的高分散性,这可能会促进 CH4 分解,同时产生较少的积碳。据推测,CH4 电池输出高于 H2 是由于阳极表面上局部高浓度的 H2 和/或 CO 气体通过促进 CH4 分解。Ni(BaO)/SDC 的最高阳极性能归因于 Ni 的高分散性,这可能会促进 CH4 分解,同时产生较少的积碳。据推测,CH4 电池输出高于 H2 是由于阳极表面上局部高浓度的 H2 和/或 CO 气体通过促进 CH4 分解。