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Digital Open Annotation with Hypothesis: Supplying the Missing Capability of the Web
Journal of Scholarly Publishing ( IF 1.206 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-01 , DOI: 10.3138/jsp.49.3.04
Heather Ruland Staines

Abstract:Hypothesis is an open-source technology developed by a non-profit organization that enables a conversation across all the content on the Web, a rich and interconnected exchange that goes well beyond experiments with past commenting tools. The publication of annotation as a Web standard by the World Wide Web Consortium in February 2017 paves the way to bring digital annotation natively to browsers, fulfilling an original vision for networked information laid out by Vannevar Bush in 1945. Publishers are exploring annotation to facilitate post-publication discussion layers, add author or expert commentary as supplemental content, and streamline the peer-review process. Researchers are using annotation for fact verification, entity extraction, precise citation, and preprint collaboration. Annotation technology enables the creation of unique persistent Web addresses that are much more precise than page-level URLs, thus opening up new workflow possibilities in scholarly communications and beyond.



摘要:Hypothesis 是一种由非营利组织开发的开源技术,它可以实现网络上所有内容的对话,这是一种丰富且相互关联的交流,远远超出了过去评论工具的实验。万维网联盟于 2017 年 2 月发布注释作为 Web 标准,为将数字注释原生引入浏览器铺平了道路,实现了 Vannevar Bush 在 1945 年提出的网络信息的原始愿景。出版商正在探索注释以促进发布- 出版讨论层,添加作者或专家评论作为补充内容,并简化同行评审过程。研究人员正在使用注释进行事实验证、实体提取、精确引用和预印协作。