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Review of distracted driving in young drivers: strategies for management of behavioural patterns
International Journal of Crashworthiness ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-20 , DOI: 10.1080/13588265.2021.1926847
Abdul Basit Khan 1 , Rajat Agrawal 2 , S. S. Jain 3 , Ankit Choudhary 1


Generally, it is observed, adolescent drivers contribute a major share in motor accident crashes/cases as they are prone to a high level of distraction during driving. Many sundry explanations are monitored behind such cases. An umpteen number of risks which make young drivers more vulnerable to accidents add in high use of electronic appliances, inexperienced drivers, peer involvement during driving and risk-taking tendencies. It can be ameliorated when young drivers are subjected to conditioning at the behavioural level. This review article is an attempt to explore the distraction studies carried out on drivers as well as the behaviour exhibited by them. There is an under-researched area which needs to present programmes related to behavioural changes to target friends, parents and adolescents. This review concludes that a) young drivers under influence of electronic gadgets, peers, music, vehicular adjustments, etc., are more prone to get distracted, b) maximum number of road accidents are due to driver distraction, c) some positive effects have been displayed to curb reckless behaviour at administrative hand by implementing restrictions for drivers and passengers in graduated licensing system. But stricter monitoring is needed d) driving behaviour can be improved by telling the consequences of distracted driving to teenagers as well as their parents through counselling, web-based programs, etc. This review article shows that reproductions of programmes delivered by Web and school-based programs have been assessed with complementary strategies suggested by parents and physicians. These changes are still at an initial stage of progress and eventually will require a controlled application and evaluation studies. Certainly, there is no probable single methodology to avoid the young driver to distraction. But interrelated strategies like accessing usage of other gadgets like cell phones through technological interventions for further development will be helpful.




一般来说,据观察,青少年驾驶员在车祸/案件中占主要份额,因为他们在驾驶过程中容易分心。此类案件背后有许多杂乱无章的解释。大量使年轻驾驶员更容易发生事故的风险增加了电子设备的大量使用、缺乏经验的驾驶员、驾驶过程中的同伴参与和冒险倾向。当年轻司机在行为水平上受到制约时,这种情况可以得到改善。这篇评论文章试图探索对驾驶员进行的分心研究以及他们表现出的行为。有一个研究不足的领域需要向目标朋友、父母和青少年展示与行为改变相关的项目。这篇评论的结论是:a) 受电子设备、同伴、音乐、车辆调整等影响的年轻司机更容易分心,b) 最多的道路事故是由于司机分心造成的,c) 一些积极的影响通过在分级许可制度中实施对司机和乘客的限制,以遏制行政人员的鲁莽行为。但需要更严格的监控 d) 可以通过咨询、基于网络的计划等向青少年及其父母告知分心驾驶的后果,从而改善驾驶行为。这篇评论文章表明,网络和学校提供的计划的复制品-已根据父母和医生建议的补充策略对基于计划的项目进行了评估。这些变化仍处于初始阶段,最终将需要受控的应用和评估研究。当然,没有可能的单一方法可以避免年轻司机分心。但相互关联的策略,例如通过技术干预来访问其他小工具(如手机)的使用以进一步发展将是有帮助的。
