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Comparative Study of Biostimulant Properties of Industrially and Experimentally Produced Humic Substances
Agronomy ( IF 3.949 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-20 , DOI: 10.3390/agronomy11061250
Maris Klavins , Santa Grandovska , Vaira Obuka , Gederts Ievinsh

Demand for new biological technologies in agriculture is ever growing, particularly with respect to the need of restoring the soil organic matter and soil fertility. Products of natural origin are developed to stimulate plant growth and productivity. Humic substances (HS) are the decay products of living matter, with high molecular weight and complex structure. Nowadays, HS are industrially produced from various materials like peat, lignin, soil and compost. The objective of this study is to make a comparison of the impact of HS of different origin on plant development. In total, eight different HS were used; four were extracted from various materials and four were commercially available products. To evaluate the stimulating effect, three different species of plants were used (Triticum aestivum, Sinapis alba, Lepidum sativum). The tests were carried out on Phytotestkit plates, germinating the seeds in different solutions of HS in various concentrations in dark, with or without added nutrient solution. Then, the growth parameters were measured. All tested products showed increase in at least some concentrations compared with the control sample. Significant differences in the stimulating effect of HS depending on their origin were found.



农业对新生物技术的需求不断增长,特别是在恢复土壤有机质和土壤肥力方面的需求。开发天然来源的产品以刺激植物生长和生产力。腐殖质(HS)是生物物质的衰变产物,分子量大,结构复杂。如今,HS 是由泥炭、木质素、土壤和堆肥等各种材料工业生产的。本研究的目的是比较不同来源的硫化氢对植物发育的影响。总共使用了八种不同的 HS;四种是从各种材料中提取的,四种是市售产品。为了评估刺激效果,使用了三种不同种类的植物(小麦Sinapis albaLepidum sativum )。测试是在 Phytotestkit 板上进行的,在不同浓度的 HS 溶液中,在黑暗中发芽种子,添加或不添加营养液。然后,测量生长参数。与对照样品相比,所有测试产品都显示出至少一些浓度的增加。发现 HS 的刺激作用存在显着差异,这取决于它们的来源。