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Jewish Healers and Yellow Fever in the Eighteenth-Century Americas
Jewish Social Studies Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.2979/jewisocistud.26.1.07

The first American epidemic of the disease was in 1648 in Mexico City 8 The same year, the Inquisition "uncovered" what its representatives called la complicidad grande (the great conspiracy) of the city's conversos and began to dissolve the "main network" of crypto-Jews 9 As both Jewish communities and the slave trade became entrenched in the West Indies, so too did the virus 10 By 1668, yellow fever arrived in New York City, just 42 years after the first enslaved Africans and 14 years after the first Jews stepped foot there 11 For each of the Jewish individuals whose lives I explore here, slavery and the triangle trade undergirded their legacies [ ]the triangle trade, its mosquito fellow-travelers, and, hence, yellow fever continued to flourish 12 As with earlier pandemics, Jews often became entwined in the imaginations of white Christians with the spread of the virus 13 Yet, the very wandering that made Jews suspect also made them invaluable as practitioners of medicine and other healing arts Portuguese Jews (members of the so-called nation, or nacâo) in the Atlantic World prided themselves on being cosmopolitan, and Nassy's healing techniques as a doctor benefited from the fact that members of the nacâo often saw no contradiction between secular knowledge and religious practice 21 Although later historians have sometimes assumed that Nassy's choice to write in French meant he was French himself, his linguistic choice instead signaled both his erudition and the international audience to which he aspired 22 An autodidact, Nassy is known to have had an extraordinary library of 433 books that included a wide range of medical tomes in Spanish, Dutch, French, Latin, Italian, German, Portuguese, and Hebrew 23 He owned not only several books on pharmacology and general medicine but also on surgery, venereal disease, onanism, and illnesses common to the Caribbean 24 It was this latter subject, along with Nassy's own life experiences in Suriname, that set him apart from local Philadelphian doctors after he migrated north According to his own account, Nassy had great success: of the more than 160 patients he attended to during the 1793 fever season, he "had the misfortune to lose 19



美国第一次流行这种疾病是在 1648 年在墨西哥城 8 同年,宗教裁判所“揭露”了其代表所称的该市 conversos 的 la complicidad grande(大阴谋),并开始解散加密货币的“主要网络” - 犹太人 9 随着犹太社区和奴隶贸易在西印度群岛根深蒂固,病毒也变得根深蒂固 10 到 1668 年,黄热病抵达纽约市,距第一批非洲人被奴役仅 42 年,距第一批犹太人仅 14 年踏足那里 11 对于我在这里探索生活的每个犹太人来说,奴隶制和三角贸易巩固了他们的遗产 []三角贸易、与蚊子同行的人,因此,黄热病继续盛行 12 与早期的流行病一样,随着病毒的传播,犹太人经常在白人基督徒的想象中纠缠不清 13 然而,让犹太人怀疑的流浪也使他们作为医学和其他治疗艺术的从业者变得非常宝贵 葡萄牙犹太人(所谓的国家的成员,或nacâo) 在大西洋世界以国际化而自豪,而 Nassy 作为医生的治疗技术得益于这样一个事实:nacâo 的成员经常看到世俗知识与宗教实践之间没有矛盾 21 尽管后来的历史学家有时认为 Nassy 选择写作法语意味着他自己是法国人,他的语言选择表明他的博学和他渴望的国际观众 22 自学者,众所周知,Nassy 拥有一个拥有 433 本书的非凡图书馆,其中包括西班牙语、荷兰语、法语、拉丁语、意大利语、德语、葡萄牙语和希伯来语的各种医学书籍 23 他不仅拥有几本关于药理学和普通医学的书籍,而且还有手术、性病、手淫和加勒比地区常见的疾病 24 正是后一个主题,以及 Nassy 在苏里南的生活经历,使他在向北迁移后与当地的费城医生区别开来。根据他自己的说法,Nassy取得了巨大的成功:在 1793 年发烧季节期间,他治疗的 160 多名患者中,他“不幸失去了 19和希伯来语 23 他不仅拥有几本关于药理学和普通医学的书籍,而且还拥有关于外科手术、性病、手淫和加勒比地区常见疾病的书籍 24 正是后者的主题以及 Nassy 自己在苏里南的生活经历使他与众不同北迁后来自费城当地医生 根据他自己的说法,纳西取得了巨大的成功:在 1793 年发烧季节他治疗的 160 多名患者中,他“不幸失去了 19和希伯来语 23 他不仅拥有几本关于药理学和普通医学的书籍,而且还拥有关于外科手术、性病、手淫和加勒比地区常见疾病的书籍 24 正是后者的主题以及 Nassy 自己在苏里南的生活经历使他与众不同北迁后来自费城当地医生 根据他自己的说法,纳西取得了巨大的成功:在 1793 年发烧季节他治疗的 160 多名患者中,他“不幸失去了 19在 1793 年发烧季节期间,他治疗的 160 多名患者中,他“不幸失去了 19在 1793 年发烧季节期间,他治疗的 160 多名患者中,他“不幸失去了 19