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Rejecting Opposite Ideologies without Discriminating against Ideological Opponents? Understanding Nonbelievers’ Outgroup Attitudes
Basic and Applied Social Psychology ( IF 1.518 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-20 , DOI: 10.1080/01973533.2019.1689980
Filip Uzarevic 1, 2 , Vassilis Saroglou 1 , Isabelle Pichon 3

Abstract Several people fail to reject opposite ideologies without discriminating against opponents. Do nonbelievers make this distinction? Across two experiments in three cultures (total N = 2064), we investigated participants’ willingness to help a religious target involved in religious anti-liberalism (antiabortion), activism (promoting Christian ideas), or devotion (religious service); or a neutral cause (copying syllabus or visiting family). In comparison to a control condition (neutral target, neutral cause), nonbelievers–except French atheists, to some extent–made this distinction: they were unwilling to help the religious target when acting for any of the three religious causes, but not when acting for a neutral cause. Groups with opposite ideologies, here believers and nonbelievers, seem both similar and qualitatively dissimilar in their outgroup attitudes.



摘要 一些人未能在不歧视对手的情况下拒绝对立的意识形态。非信徒会做出这种区分吗?在三种文化中的两个实验(总 N = 2064)中,我们调查了参与者帮助参与宗教反自由主义(反堕胎)、激进主义(推广基督教思想)或奉献(宗教服务)的宗教目标的意愿;或中立的原因(复制教学大纲或探亲)。与控制条件(中立目标、中立原因)相比,非信徒——除了法国无神论者,在某种程度上——做出了这样的区分:他们在为三个宗教原因中的任何一个采取行动时都不愿意帮助宗教目标,但在采取行动时则不愿意。出于中立的原因。意识形态相反的群体,这里是信徒和非信徒,