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What Are "The Carpentries" and What Are They Doing in the Library?
portal: Libraries and the Academy ( IF 1.097 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/pla.2019.0011
Sarah Pugachev

abstract:Since 2014, the University Libraries at the University of Oklahoma in Norman has been a member of the Software Carpentry Foundation (now part of "The Carpentries"), a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching basic computing skills to researchers. Through this partnership, we have taught over a dozen introductory programming workshops to participants across campus and have established a local community of instructors. By centering this training in the University Libraries, we reaffirm the libraries' position as the intellectual crossroads for research on campus. We also provide professional development opportunities for librarians and other staff to improve their teaching and foster a better understanding of modern research workflows.



摘要:自 2014 年以来,位于诺曼的俄克拉荷马大学图书馆一直是 Software Carpentry Foundation(现为“The Carpentries”的一部分)的成员,这是一个致力于向研究人员教授基本计算技能的非营利组织。通过这种合作伙伴关系,我们为整个校园的参与者教授了十多个介绍性编程研讨会,并建立了当地的教师社区。通过将这种培训集中在大学图书馆,我们重申了图书馆作为校园研究的智力十字路口的地位。我们还为图书馆员和其他员工提供专业发展机会,以改善他们的教学并促进对现代研究工作流程的更好理解。