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Gandhi’s Spinning Wheel: The Charkha and Its Regenerative Effects
Journal of the History of Ideas Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jhi.2020.0034
Nikhil Menon

This essay interrogates the role of the charkha (spinning wheel) in Mohandas Gandhi's thought. It argues that spinning deserves to be recognized as belonging in the realm of other high concepts and practices, such as non-violence, that have garnered much more academic attention. The article explores the centrality of the charkha to Gandhi's ideology, emphasizing underappreciated facets such as its physical, moral, and spiritual effects. Finally, it argues that the versatility of the spinning wheel to Gandhi offers insights into how he conceived of and negotiated the relationship between means and ends in his philosophy.


甘地的纺车:Charkha 及其再生效应

这篇文章询问了 charkha(纺车)在莫罕达斯·甘地思想中的作用。它认为,纺纱理应被视为属于其他受到更多学术关注的高级概念和实践领域,例如非暴力。这篇文章探讨了 charkha 在甘地意识形态中的中心地位,强调了被低估的方面,例如它的身体、道德和精神影响。最后,它认为甘地的纺车的多功能性为他如何构思和协商他的哲学中的手段和目的之间的关系提供了见解。