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The Not Good Society: Institutional Weaknesses Revealed by COVID-19
Journal of Economic Issues ( IF 0.854 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-17 , DOI: 10.1080/00213624.2021.1909349
Robert H. Scott , Steven Pressman


This article discusses institutional weaknesses revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic. We investigate two institutions shown to be insufficient for maintaining economic stability during the pandemic. We focus on social safety nets that were tattered prior to the pandemic but are now more vulnerable to failure. We discuss unemployment and health care as twin crises. Job loss during the pandemic has been swift and deep. Many were in the service sector with lower average salaries. Besides the loss of income, many people have employer-sponsored health insurance. The compounding effects of income loss and inadequate access to health care have exposed our enfeebled social safety nets. We end with some policy suggestions to help create greater economic and social stability.


不良社会:COVID-19 揭示的制度弱点


本文讨论了 COVID-19 大流行揭示的制度弱点。我们调查了两个在大流行期间不足以维持经济稳定的机构。我们关注在大流行之前已经破败但现在更容易失败的社会安全网。我们将失业和医疗保健视为双重危机。大流行期间的失业迅速而深刻。许多人从事服务业,平均工资较低。除了收入损失之外,许多人还拥有雇主赞助的健康保险。收入损失和获得医疗保健的机会不足的复合影响暴露了我们脆弱的社会安全网。最后,我们提出一些政策建议,以帮助创造更大的经济和社会稳定。
