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Association networks in the Dutch offshore beam trawl fleet: their predictors and relationship to vessel performance
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-11 , DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2019-0353
Darren M. Gillis 1 , Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp 2, 3 , Jan Jaap Poos 2, 3

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Ahead of Print.
Networks play a key role in the functioning of socioecological fishery systems. Most network studies among fish harvesters examining fishing success utilize interviews and questionnaires. Though insightful, such studies are resource and time-intensive and thus unlikely to be replicated frequently through time. Alternatively, commercial landings records and vessel monitoring systems (VMS) provide continuous sources of information that can be used to examine variation in vessel networks through time. We used VMS data to define association networks among vessels. Relationships were found between common network metrics and annual performance based on landings data. Associations between vessels were more closely examined as a function of annual activity, performance, favoured species, and landing port using temporal exponential random graph models. We examined network dynamics across 4 consecutive years. Changes in vessel associations were clearly related to performance, landing port, and species targeted. Network structure could affect the relationship between catch and nominal effort, influencing stock assessments and responses to management actions. Our methodology provides a means to follow network change, identifying situations where more detailed study is warranted.



网络在社会生态渔业系统的运作中发挥着关键作用。鱼类捕捞者之间的大多数网络研究调查捕捞成功都采用访谈和问卷调查。尽管有见地,但此类研究是资源和时间密集型的,因此不太可能随着时间的推移频繁复制。或者,商业上岸记录和船舶监控系统 (VMS) 提供连续的信息来源,可用于检查船舶网络随时间的变化。我们使用 VMS 数据来定义船舶之间的关联网络。根据着陆数据发现了常见网络指标与年度绩效之间的关系。使用时间指数随机图模型更仔细地检查船舶之间的关联,作为年度活动、性能、偏好物种和登陆港的函数。我们连续 4 年检查了网络动态。船舶协会的变化显然与性能、登陆港和目标物种有关。网络结构会影响产量和名义努力量之间的关系,影响种群评估和对管理行动的反应。我们的方法提供了一种跟踪网络变化的方法,确定需要进行更详细研究的情况。