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Biofilm inhibition and antifouling evaluation of sol-gel coated silicone implants with prolonged release of eugenol against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Biofouling ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-17 , DOI: 10.1080/08927014.2021.1933960
Prasanth Rathinam 1, 2 , Bhasker Mohan Murari 3 , Pragasam Viswanathan 2


The incidence of biofilm-linked catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) is increasing across the world. However, there is no clinical evidence to support the modifications of biomaterials, such as antimicrobial agent-coated catheters, that are known to reduce the risk of bacterial colonization and resistance development. The present study developed and tested silicone segments coated with an antivirulence agent, eugenol. The parameters for sol–gel preparation and coating were tailored to achieve a prolonged release of eugenol (for >35 days) at predefined antivirulence doses from dip-coated thin films. The eugenol-coated segments could prevent biofilm formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 as well as bacterial adhesion. Significant repression in the expression of virulence and biofilm-associated genes were recorded, confirming the antivirulence and biofilm inhibition properties of silicone segments coated with eugenol. The drug release profiles, efficacy analysis, neutrophil-response studies, and in vitro toxicity profiling further supported the contention that the activity of the eugenol-coated sections was effective and safe.




生物膜相关的导管相关性尿路感染 (CAUTI) 的发病率在世界范围内不断增加。然而,没有临床证据支持生物材料的改进,例如涂有抗菌剂的导管,已知这些材料可以降低细菌定植和耐药性发展的风险。本研究开发并测试了涂有抗毒剂丁香酚的有机硅片断。溶胶-凝胶制备和涂层的参数经过调整,以实现丁香酚在预定抗毒剂量下从浸涂薄膜中延长释放(>35 天)。丁香酚包被的片段可以防止铜绿假单胞菌的生物膜形成PAO1 以及细菌粘附。记录了毒力和生物膜相关基因表达的显着抑制,证实了涂有丁香酚的有机硅片段的抗毒力和生物膜抑制特性。药物释放曲线、功效分析、中性粒细胞反应研究和体外毒性分析进一步支持丁香酚涂层切片的活性是有效和安全的论点。
