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The principles of the voluntary programme for the control and elimination of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) from infected herds in Slovenia
Frontiers in Veterinary Science ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-18 , DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2021.676473
Ivan Toplak 1 , Peter Hostnik 1 , Danijela Černe 1 , Janko Mrkun 2 , Jože Starič 3

In Slovenia, the control of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) infections started in 1994. Since 2014, a voluntary programme has been running according to the national rules that prescribe the conditions for recognising, acquiring, and maintaining a BVDV-free status for an individual herd. The principle is based on periodical laboratory testing and preventive measures that need to be strictly implemented in a herd. Between 2014 and 2020, a total of 348 herds were included in BVDV antibody testing, and 25.00% of tested herds were detected to be BVDV antibody positive. For the recognition of the BVDV-free status of the herd, the breeder should provide two consecutive tests with intervals of at least six months in all animals in the age from 7 to 13 months, with negative results for BVDV antibodies in ELISA. The BVDV-free status of the herd can be maintained by implementing preventive measures and can be renewed each year with one laboratory test in the age group of animals from 7 to 13 months for antibodies in ELISA. During the seven years of the voluntary programme, 236 herds were included into the detection of BVDV in individual herds by real-time RT-PCR method and the elimination of positive animals from herds. In 71 (31.31%) herds, at least one BVDV-positive animal was detected, with the identification of a total of 267 persistently infected (PI) animals, representing an average of 2.95% of tested animals. The cost of testing for an average herd, which was recognised as BVDV-negative and was maintaining its BVDV-free status within the implemented voluntary programme, was €97.64/year, while for the average positive herd, the laboratory costs for elimination of BVDV were €189.59/year. Only limited progress towards eradication at the national level has been achieved in Slovenia in the previous seven years.


斯洛文尼亚控制和消除受感染牛群牛病毒性腹泻病毒 (BVDV) 自愿计划的原则

在斯洛文尼亚,牛病毒性腹泻病毒 (BVDV) 感染的控制始于 1994 年。 自 2014 年以来,根据国家规定开展了一项自愿计划,该计划规定了承认、获得和维持无 BVDV 状态的条件个体牧群。该原则基于需要在畜群中严格执行的定期实验室检测和预防措施。2014年至2020年间,共纳入348头牛群进行BVDV抗体检测,25.00%的牛群被检测为BVDV抗体阳性。为了识别畜群的无 BVDV 状态,饲养员应在 7 至 13 个月龄的所有动物中提供两次间隔至少六个月的连续测试,ELISA 中的 BVDV 抗体结果为阴性。畜群的无 BVDV 状态可以通过实施预防措施来维持,并且可以通过每年对 7 至 13 个月大的动物进行一次实验室检测来更新 ELISA 中的抗体。在自愿计划的七年中,通过实时 RT-PCR 方法检测了 236 头牛群中的 BVDV,并从牛群中淘汰了阳性动物。在 71 (31.31%) 个畜群中,至少检测到一只 BVDV 阳性动物,共鉴定出 267 只持续感染 (PI) 动物,平均占受试动物的 2.95%。被确认为 BVDV 阴性并在实施的自愿计划中保持其无 BVDV 状态的普通畜群的检测成本为 97.64 欧元/年,而对于平均阳性畜群,消除 BVDV 的实验室成本为 189.59 欧元/年。在过去七年中,斯洛文尼亚在国家一级的根除工作方面取得的进展有限。