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Discussing overweight in dogs during a regular consultation in general practice in the Netherlands
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-18 , DOI: 10.1111/jpn.13558
Celine M Aldewereld 1 , Evelyn M Monninkhof 2 , Floor M Kroese 3 , Denise T D de Ridder 3 , Mirjam Nielen 4 , Ronald J Corbee 1

In previous studies, it has been demonstrated that, similar to general practitioners, veterinarians find it difficult to discuss overweight in dogs. This study aimed to provide insight in the barriers and motivators for veterinarians to discuss overweight in dogs and to compare the results with findings from human medicine. Sub-hypotheses were postulated based on existing literature to investigate if lack of time, fear of offending clients, or lack of skills were potential barriers, and if feeling responsible and feeling compassion were potential motivators for veterinarians to discuss overweight in dogs. To this end, an online survey (n = 59) was conducted. Furthermore, 15 small animal clinicians working in general practice were interviewed by semi-structured face-to-face interviews. Results from the online survey indicated that veterinarians find it sometimes difficult to discuss overweight in dogs. Veterinarians who responded to the online survey did not experience strong barriers but did make use of motivators (e.g. feeling responsible and feeling compassion) when discussing overweight in dogs. Interestingly, results from the semi-structured face-to-face interviews showed that the responding veterinarians did experience strong barriers, as well as motivators, when discussing overweight in dogs with their clients. The most prominent barrier was customer dissatisfaction, whereas lack of time and lack of skills were also experienced. The most prominent motivator was feeling responsible for animal health and preventive veterinary medicine. These findings were strikingly similar to previous research on discussing childhood overweight by general practitioners. To improve treatment and prevention of overweight in dogs, veterinarians need more communication skills and should be more aware of the motivators that drive their self-motivation. Improving awareness on overweight and its comorbidities should be a One Health issue.



在之前的研究中,已经证明,与全科医生类似,兽医发现很难讨论狗的超重问题。本研究旨在深入了解兽医讨论狗超重的障碍和动机,并将结果与​​人类医学的发现进行比较。基于现有文献提出了子假设,以调查时间不足、害怕冒犯客户或缺乏技能是否是潜在障碍,以及是否感到责任感和同情心是兽医讨论狗超重的潜在动机。为此,一项在线调查(n = 59) 进行。此外,15 名从事全科工作的小动物临床医生通过半结构化的面对面访谈进行了访谈。在线调查的结果表明,兽医发现有时很难讨论狗的超重问题。回答在线调查的兽医没有遇到很大的障碍,但在讨论狗的超重时确实使用了激励因素(例如,感到有责任感和同情心)。有趣的是,半结构化面对面访谈的结果表明,在与客户讨论狗的超重问题时,做出回应的兽医确实遇到了强大的障碍和激励因素。最突出的障碍是客户不满意,同时也经历了缺乏时间和缺乏技能的情况。最突出的动机是对动物健康和预防性兽医学负责。这些发现与之前由全科医生讨论儿童超重的研究惊人地相似。为了改善犬超重的治疗和预防,兽医需要更多的沟通技巧,并且应该更加了解驱动他们自我激励的动力。提高对超重及其合并症的认识应该是一个健康问题。