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Fatal disseminated Anncaliia algerae myositis mimicking polymyositis in an immunocompromised patient
Neuromuscular Disorders ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nmd.2021.06.007
Fouzia Ziad 1 , Thomas Robertson 2 , Matthew R Watts 3 , Justin Copeland 4 , Graham Chiu 5 , David Wang 6 , Damien Stark 7 , Linda Graham 8 , Clinton Turner 8 , Richard Newbury 9

We report the first New Zealand case of Anncaliia algerae myositis in a 55-year-old man with a history of psoriatic arthritis, treated with long-term immunosuppressive therapy. He resided in the city of Rotorua, which is famous for geothermal hot springs. A vastus lateralis muscle biopsy was performed to investigate the cause of an unexplained myositis. Light microscopy demonstrated a necrotizing myositis with scattered clusters of ovoid spores within the myocyte cytoplasm resembling microsporidia. DNA analysis by PCR and electron microscopy confirmed microsporidial myositis with features characteristic of A. algerae. Immunosuppressive drugs were stopped and the patient was treated with cholestyramine wash and albendazole. The patient deteriorated with involvement of bulbar and respiratory muscles requiring intensive care and ventilation. He died 3 weeks after diagnosis. Post-mortem examination of skeletal muscle from tongue and intercostal muscles also revealed numerous organisms confirming disseminated disease.



我们报告了新西兰首例Anncaliia algerae 病例 一名有银屑病关节炎病史的 55 岁男性患肌炎,接受长期免疫抑制治疗。他居住在以地热温泉闻名的罗托鲁瓦市。进行股外侧肌活检以调查原因不明的肌炎的原因。光镜显示坏死性肌炎,在肌细胞质内有散在的卵形孢子簇,类似于微孢子虫。通过 PCR 和电子显微镜进行的 DNA 分析证实了具有 A. algerae 特征的微孢子虫肌炎。停用免疫抑制药物,给予消胆胺洗剂和阿苯达唑治疗。患者病情恶化,涉及需要重症监护和通气的延髓和呼吸肌。他在诊断后 3 周去世。
