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Agurumyela's art of connection: Christopher Azaare's project of curating Gurensi history and culture
Africa ( IF 1.235 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s000197202000025x
Anatoli Ignatov

Abstract This article explores the innovative and hybrid intellectual project of Christopher Azaare Anabila. Since 1976, Azaare has been documenting the histories of the Gurensi and Boosi people of northern Ghana and has crafted genealogical maps of whole villages and clans. He has written manuscripts on taboos, totems, proverbs, missionary activities, cultural institutions and anti-colonial resistance. Because of this work, people have begun to refer to Azaare as Agurumyela, which in Gurene means ‘a person who digs into people's past’. Central to this lifelong endeavour is the museum of Gurensi culture that Azaare has been building in Gowrie. I present Azaare's views of this wide-ranging process of collection and re-casting and reflect on his motivation to reclaim history and curating authority from professional academics. I argue that Azaare's project allows us to recognize the ubiquitous existence of a vibrant strand of African intellectual creativity that combines multiple repertoires and draws on overlapping and diverse productions in different modes and media. Next, I turn to Azaare's manuscript on the institution of tindaanaship (earth custodians). I explore his genealogical method as an art of connection that highlights his role as an engaged community intellectual, weaving extensive networks between Gurensi communities, officials and academics.


Agurumyela 的联系艺术:Christopher Azaare 策划古仁西历史和文化的项目

摘要 本文探讨了 Christopher Azaare Anabila 的创新和混合智力项目。自 1976 年以来,Azaare 一直在记录加纳北部 Gurensi 和 Boosi 人的历史,并制作了整个村庄和氏族的谱系图。他撰写了关于禁忌、图腾、谚语、传教活动、文化机构和反殖民抵抗的手稿。由于这项工作,人们开始将 Azaare 称为 Agurumyela,在 Gurene 中意为“挖掘人们过去的人”。这一毕生努力的核心是阿扎雷在高里建造的古伦西文化博物馆。我展示了 Azaare 对这个广泛的收藏和重铸过程的看法,并反思了他从专业学者那里收回历史和策展权威的动机。我认为 Azaare 的项目使我们能够认识到非洲智力创造力的一个充满活力的链无处不在,它结合了多种曲目,并利用不同模式和媒体的重叠和多样化作品。接下来,我转向 Azaare 关于 tindaanaship(地球监护人)制度的手稿。我将他的家谱方法作为一种联系艺术,突出了他作为社区知识分子的角色,在古仁寺社区、官员和学者之间编织了广泛的网络。关于 tindaanaship(地球监护人)机构的手稿。我将他的家谱方法作为一种联系艺术,突出了他作为社区知识分子的角色,在古仁寺社区、官员和学者之间编织了广泛的网络。关于 tindaanaship(地球监护人)机构的手稿。我将他的家谱方法作为一种联系艺术,突出了他作为社区知识分子的角色,在古仁寺社区、官员和学者之间编织了广泛的网络。