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Comparative Drama Pub Date : 2021-06-17

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  • Contributors

Aaron Botwick is an Assistant Professor of English at Hostos Community College, City University of New York. He received his PhD from The Graduate Center, CUNY. His research focuses on suicide and British modernism, and he is particularly interested in the relationship between fictional suicide, the press, and early experiments in sociology and psychoanalysis. His work has been published in The Harold Pinter Review: Essays on Contemporary Drama and Nabokov Studies.

Cyndia Susan Clegg is Distinguished Professor of English Literature at Pepperdine University. She teaches courses on English Renaissance literature and culture. Her publications include Shakespeare's Reading Audiences (Cambridge, 2017), a facsimile edition of Holinshed's Chronicles for Elizabeth I's reign (Huntington Library, 2005), three books from Cambridge University Press on press censorship between 1558 and 1649 (1997, 2001, 2008), and numerous essays on Early Modern print culture, literature, and religion.

Verna A. Foster is Professor of English Emerita at Loyola University Chicago. Her publications include The Name and Nature of Tragicomedy (Ashgate, 2004) and numerous essays on early modern and modern dramatists, which have appeared in journals such as Modern Drama, Comparative Drama, The Journal of American Drama and Theatre, and in collections of essays. Her work over the last several years has been in adaptation studies and includes the edited collection Dramatic Revisions of Myths, Fairy Tales and Legends: Essays on Recent Plays (McFarland, 2012) as well as essays on dramatists such as Parks, Henley, Wertenbaker, and Jacobs-Jenkins. Dr. Foster is a member of the Board of the Comparative Drama Conference.

Gibson Alessandro Cima is an Assistant Professor of Theatre History and head of the Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Studies program in Northern Illinois University's School of Theatre and Dance. His essays on South African theatre and performance, theatre from the Global South, and post-colonial theory have appeared in Theatre Journal, Theatre Survey, and South African Theatre Journal. His current book project traces the influence of South Africa's anti-apartheid protest theatre on post-apartheid and global stages.

Rebecca Ruth Gould is a writer and scholar of Iran and the Caucasus. Her books include Writers and Rebels: The Literatures of Insurgency in the Caucasus (Yale, 2016), The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Activism (2020, co-edited with Kayvan Tahmasebian), The Persian Prison Poem: Sovereignty and the Political Imagination (Edinburgh University Press, 2021), and Beautiful English (Dreich Books, 2021). She teaches at the University of Birmingham. Her website is https://rrgould.hcommons.org.

Ann Hubert is Assistant Professor of English Literature at St. Lawrence University. She holds a PhD in medieval English literature and a MA in Classics from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her research has appeared in journals such as Early Theatre and ROMARD. She also served as a guest co-editor for Fight or Flyte: Pride and Masculinity in the Middle Ages, a special issue of IJURCA: The International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities 11.3 (2019).

Sarah McCarroll is Associate Professor of Theatre at Georgia Southern University, where she is also the resident costume designer and a member of the Center for Irish Teaching and Research faculty. Her work has appeared in the anthology Theatre, Performance and Cognition: Languages, Bodies and Ecologies and in Theatre Symposium, of which she is a past editor. She holds a PhD from Indiana University and an MFA from the University of Alabama, and is a regular member of the costume department staff at the Utah Shakespeare Festival.

Jared Strange is a PhD candidate in Theatre and Performance Studies at the University of Maryland, as well as a dramaturg, writer, and educator based in the Washington, D.C. area. His research has appeared in Theatre Research International and Texas Theatre Journal and is forthcoming in Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism. His papers and plays have been presented to the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, the American Society for Theatre Research, Mid-America Theatre Conference, and the Texas Educational Theatre Association.

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  • 贡献者

Aaron Botwick是纽约城市大学霍斯托斯社区学院的英语助理教授。他在纽约市立大学研究生中心获得博士学位。他的研究重点是自杀和英国现代主义,他对虚构的自杀、新闻以及早期社会学和精神分析实验之间的关系特别感兴趣。他的作品已发表在《哈罗德品特评论:当代戏剧纳博科夫研究论文集》上

辛迪亚·苏珊·克莱格( Cyndia Susan Clegg)是佩珀代因大学英国文学杰出教授。她教授英国文艺复兴时期的文学和文化课程。她的出版物包括莎士比亚的阅读受众(剑桥,2017 年)、霍林谢德伊丽莎白一世统治时期编年史的传真版(亨廷顿图书馆,2005 年)、剑桥大学出版社出版的三本关于 1558 年至 1649 年间新闻审查的书(1997 年、2081 年、2000 年)以及大量关于早期现代印刷文化、文学和宗教的论文。

Verna A. Foster是芝加哥洛约拉大学的英国名誉教授。她的出版物包括悲剧喜剧的名称和性质(阿什盖特,2004 年)和许多关于早期现代和现代剧作家的论文,这些论文发表在《现代戏剧》、《比较戏剧》、《美国戏剧与戏剧杂志》等期刊以及论文集上. 她在过去几年的工作一直是改编研究,包括编辑的《神话、童话和传奇的戏剧性修订:近期戏剧随笔》(麦克法兰,2012 年)以及关于剧作家的随笔,如 Parks、Henley、Wertenbaker、和雅各布斯-詹金斯。福斯特博士是比较戏剧会议的董事会成员。

吉布森·亚历山德罗·西玛( Gibson Alessandro Cima)是北伊利诺伊大学戏剧与舞蹈学院戏剧史助理教授和戏剧研究文学学士学位课程的负责人。他关于南非戏剧和表演、全球南方的戏剧和后殖民理论的论文发表在《戏剧杂志》、《戏剧调查》和《南非戏剧杂志》上。他目前的图书项目追溯了南非反种族隔离抗议剧院对后种族隔离和全球舞台的影响。

Rebecca Ruth Gould是伊朗和高加索地区的作家和学者。她的著作包括作家与反叛者:高加索叛乱文学(耶鲁大学,2016 年)、劳特利奇翻译与行动手册(2020 年,与 Kayvan Tahmasebian 合编)、波斯监狱诗:主权与政治想象(爱丁堡) University Press, 2021) 和Beautiful English (Dreich Books, 2021)。她在伯明翰大学任教。她的网站是 https://rrgould.hcommons.org。

Ann Hubert是圣劳伦斯大学英国文学助理教授。她拥有伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校的中世纪英国文学博士学位和古典文学硕士学位。她的研究发表在Early TheatreROMARD等期刊上。她还担任过《Fight or Flyte: Pride and Masculinity in the Middle Ages》的客座联合编辑,这是IJURCA: The International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities 11.3 (2019)的特刊


贾里德·斯特兰奇( Jared Strange)是马里兰大学戏剧和表演研究的博士研究生,同时也是华盛顿特区的戏剧家、作家和教育家。他的研究发表在Theatre Research InternationalTexas Theatre Journal 上,即将发表在Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism 上。他的论文和戏剧已提交给高等教育戏剧协会、美国戏剧研究协会、中美洲戏剧会议和德克萨斯教育戏剧协会。

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