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Black Opera, Operatic Racism and an ‘Engaged Opera Studies’
Journal of the Royal Musical Association Pub Date : 2021-06-17 , DOI: 10.1017/rma.2020.27

Naomi André’s Black Opera: History, Power, Engagement is a call for recognition and inclusion. Over the course of nearly 300 pages, André covers a range of subjects, from long-forgotten concert performances, to opera, Broadway and opera film, to contemporary operatic composition and practice. As she does, she moves between the United States and South Africa – a striking way of approaching her material and a feature of the book that ought to prove highly influential. Some of the arguments she makes are new, some combine pre-existing thought and research in new ways. The most important moments, though, are when she pauses to describe her experiences or those of another black opera lover or group of black opera lovers.



娜奥米·安德烈黑色歌剧:历史、权力、参与是对认可和包容的呼吁。在将近 300 页的篇幅中,安德烈涵盖了一系列主题,从被遗忘已久的音乐会表演到歌剧、百老汇和歌剧电影,再到当代歌剧创作和实践。正如她所做的那样,她在美国和南非之间移动——这是一种处理她的材料的惊人方式,也是这本书的一个特点,应该证明是非常有影响力的。她提出的一些论点是新的,一些以新的方式结合了预先存在的思想和研究。然而,最重要的时刻是当她停下来描述她或另一个黑人歌剧爱好者或一群黑人歌剧爱好者的经历时。