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Long-term effects of organic matter removal, compaction, and vegetation control on tree survival and growth in coarse-textured, low-productivity soils
Forest Ecology and Management ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119428
Stephen J. Lyczak , John M. Kabrick , Benjamin O. Knapp

The Long-Term Soil Productivity Network is providing a systematic examination of the effects of organic matter removal and compaction on a variety of different soils and forest types across North America. Here we report on the 22nd-year survival and height growth of white oak (Quercus alba), northern red oak (Q. rubra), and shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) on rocky, nutrient-poor soils that have a low to moderate water holding capacity in the Missouri Ozark Highlands. Treatments included three levels of organic matter removal (sawlog, whole tree, and whole-tree plus forest floor) and three levels of soil compaction (none: bulk density = 1.34 g cm−3; moderate: bulk density = 1.65 g cm−3; and severe: bulk density = 1.78 g cm−3) each with and without vegetation control. Following treatments, bareroot, 1–0 white oak, northern red oak, and shortleaf pine seedlings were planted at a 3:3:1 ratio, approximating the distribution of these species in this region. Within half of each plot, a vegetation control treatment was applied for the first 10 years by treating competing vegetation with herbicide. After 22 years, vegetation control significantly increased biomass and height of all planted species. The average height for northern red oak with vegetation control treatments was 884 cm with vs. 606 cm without; white oak was 837 cm with vs. 424 cm without; shortleaf pine was 1339 cm with vs. 1220 cm without. Moderate compaction increased average white oak height by 15% and severe compaction increased average height by 18% compared to no-compaction treatments. Compaction was not a significant treatment for red oaks or for shortleaf pines. However, the coarse fragments in the study soils appear to have muted much of the compaction to the soil’s fine-earth fraction and may have had the unintended effect of providing partial vegetation control. Whole-tree removal reduced average shortleaf pine heights by 6% vs. sawlog-only removal, while whole-tree + forest floor removal increased heights 3% compared to sawlog harvests. Organic matter removal was not a significant treatment for either oak species. Red oak survival probability was 0.79 with vegetation control vs. 0.34 without; white oak was 0.81 with vs. 0.65 without; shortleaf pine was 0.49 with vs. 0.45 without. Overall, vegetation control was the dominant factor driving survival and growth of oaks, and to a lesser degree, growth of shortleaf pine. Organic matter removal and compaction treatments had relatively little negative effect on height, indicating the resilience of these species to harvest-related disturbances in Ozark Highlands soils.



长期土壤生产力网络正在对有机物质去除和压实对北美各种不同土壤和森林类型的影响进行系统检查。在这里,我们报告了白橡树 ( Quercus alba )、北方红橡树 ( Q. rubra ) 和短叶松 ( Pinus echinata ) 在低至中等水量的岩石、营养贫乏的土壤上的 22 年存活率和高度增长密苏里州奥扎克高地的容纳能力。处理包括三个级别的有机物去除(锯木、整棵树和整棵树加森林地面)和三个级别的土壤压实(无:容重 = 1.34 g cm -3;中等:容重 = 1.65 g cm -3; 严重:堆积密度 = 1.78 g cm -3) 有和没有植被控制。处理后,以 3:3:1 的比例种植裸根、1-0 白橡树、北方红橡树和短叶松幼苗,近似这些物种在该地区的分布。在每个地块的一半内,通过用除草剂处理竞争植被,在前 10 年应用植被控制处理。22 年后,植被控制显着增加了所有种植物种的生物量和高度。进行植被控制处理的北方红橡树的平均高度为 884 厘米,没有处理的为 606 厘米;白橡木有 837 厘米,无 424 厘米;短叶松是 1339 厘米,有 1220 厘米没有。与非压实处理相比,中度压实使​​白橡木的平均高度增加了 15%,重度压实使平均高度增加了 18%。对红橡树或短叶松树而言,压实并不是一种重要的处理方法。然而,研究土壤中的粗碎块似乎减弱了对土壤细土部分的压实作用,并可能产生了提供部分植被控制的意想不到的效果。与仅采伐锯材相比,整棵树采伐使短叶松的平均高度降低了 6%,而与锯材采伐相比,整棵树 + 森林地面去除使高度增加了 3%。有机物去除对两种橡木树种都不是重要的处理。植被控制的红橡木存活概率为 0.79,无植被控制为 0.34 白橡木为 0.81,无时为 0.65;短叶松是 0.49 与 0.45 没有。总体而言,植被控制是驱动橡树存活和生长的主要因素,在较小程度上是短叶松生长的主要因素。
