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Bad Faith? The Weak and Feeble Will of Antonio Coello's Elizabeth I
Bulletin of the Comediantes Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/boc.2018.0003
Roy Norton

Abstract:A majority of the critics who have written about Coello's El conde de Sex have expressed surprise at the play's depiction of Elizabeth I, holding it to be a sympathetic portrayal that eschews the prejudices concerning the English queen held by seventeenth-century Spaniards. Ann Mackenzie reads the character as praiseworthy even. This essay builds upon María Cristina Quintero's reading of the play and supports her contention that, contrary to this majority view, El conde does partake of many of these prejudices and presents a character, Isabela, who is far more ambivalent than has generally been recognized. Whereas Quintero focuses on the physical presentation of the queen, this essay considers her interior life. A close analysis of Isabela's thought processes demonstrates that Coello—known for his subtle characterization—presents his Isabela as an akrates, morally incontinent. Far from being a praiseworthy figure, this places the queen in the company of Phaedra, Macbeth, and Medea. Drawing on Lope de Vega's El castigo sin venganza and Calderón's La cisma de Inglaterra, this essay subsequently considers whether Isabela's akrasia should be attributed to the period's misogyny or to the Spanish view of the English queen's reformed religion. It concludes with an analysis of further evidence from El conde that points to the latter as the more likely reading. Quintero notes how in her Tilbury speech, Elizabeth urged her nation to recognize in her the heart and stomach of her father, Henry VIII. Perhaps influenced by Calderón, Coello shows how, more worryingly, she inherited her father's weakness of will.


坏信?安东尼奥·科埃洛 (Antonio Coello) 的伊丽莎白一世 (Elizabeth I) 的软弱意志

摘要:大多数写过 Coello 的 El conde de Sex 的评论家都对剧中对伊丽莎白一世的描绘表示惊讶,认为这是一种富有同情心的描绘,避免了 17 世纪西班牙人对英国女王的偏见。Ann Mackenzie 甚至认为这个角色值得称赞。这篇文章建立在玛丽亚·克里斯蒂娜·金特罗 (María Cristina Quintero) 对剧本的阅读基础上,并支持她的论点,即与大多数人的观点相反,埃尔·康德确实存在许多偏见,并呈现了伊莎贝拉 (Isabela) 的形象,她比人们普遍认为的要矛盾得多。Quintero 侧重于女王的身体表现,而这篇文章则考虑了她的内心生活。伊莎贝拉的仔细分析 的思维过程表明,科埃洛——以其微妙的特征而闻名——将他的伊莎贝拉描绘成一个道德失禁的人。这远非一个值得称赞的人物,这使女王与斐德拉、麦克白和美狄亚同行。本文借鉴洛佩·德·维加 (Lope de Vega) 的《El punigo sin venganza》和卡尔德隆 (Calderón) 的《因格拉特拉 (La cisma de Inglaterra) 》,随后探讨了伊莎贝拉 (Isabela) 的 akrasia 应归因于该时期的厌女症还是西班牙对英国女王改革宗教的看法。最后分析了来自 El conde 的进一步证据,指出后者是最有可能的解读。金特罗指出,在蒂尔伯里的演讲中,伊丽莎白如何敦促她的国家在她的心中认出她父亲亨利八世的心肠。也许受卡尔德龙的影响,科埃洛展示了如何,更令人担忧的是,