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Substance Use Disorder: A Model for Integration in Undergraduate Medical Education
Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development Pub Date : 2021-06-15 , DOI: 10.1177/23821205211025859
Haritha Pavuluri 1 , Nicolas Poupore 1 , William Michael Schmidt 1 , Samantha Gabrielle Boniface 1 , Meenu Jindal 2 , Lauren Demosthenes 3

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is a debilitating chronic illness with significant morbidity and mortality across the United States. The AAMC and LCME have supported the efforts for more effective medical education of SUD to address the existing stigma, knowledge, and treatment gaps. The Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and associated social, economic, and behavioral impacts have added to this urgency. The University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville (USCSOMG), in collaboration with community organizations, has successfully implemented an integrated SUD education curriculum for medical students. Students learn about SUD in basic sciences, receive case-based education during clinical exercises, and are provided the opportunity to become a recovery coach and participate in the patient and family recovery meetings through this curriculum during preclinical years. During the clinical years, SUD education is enhanced with exposure to Medication for Addition Treatment (MAT). Students also partake in the care coordination of patients with SUD between the hospital and community recovery organizations. All students receive MAT waiver training in their final year and are prepared to prescribe treatment for SUD upon graduation. The experiences in this integrated curriculum integration can perhaps assist other organizations to implement similar components and empower the next generation of physicians to be competent and effective in treating patients with SUD.



物质使用障碍 (SUD) 是一种使人衰弱的慢性疾病,在美国具有显着的发病率和死亡率。AAMC 和 LCME 支持更有效的 SUD 医学教育,以解决现有的耻辱、知识和治疗差距。2019 年冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 大流行以及相关的社会、经济和行为影响加剧了这种紧迫性。南卡罗来纳大学格林维尔医学院 (USCSOMG) 与社区组织合作,成功为医学生实施了综合 SUD 教育课程。学生在基础科学中学习 SUD,在临床练习中接受基于案例的教育,并有机会在临床前几年通过此课程成为一名康复教练并参加患者和家庭康复会议。在临床期间,SUD 教育随着对附加治疗药物 (MAT) 的接触而得到加强。学生还参与医院和社区康复组织之间对 SUD 患者的护理协调。所有学生在最后一年都接受 MAT 豁免培训,并准备在毕业后为 SUD 开出治疗处方。这种综合课程整合的经验或许可以帮助其他组织实施类似的组成部分,并使下一代医生能够胜任并有效地治疗 SUD 患者。SUD 教育通过接触额外治疗药物 (MAT) 得到加强。学生还参与医院和社区康复组织之间对 SUD 患者的护理协调。所有学生都在最后一年接受 MAT 豁免培训,并准备在毕业时为 SUD 开具治疗处方。这种综合课程整合的经验或许可以帮助其他组织实施类似的组成部分,并使下一代医生能够胜任并有效地治疗 SUD 患者。SUD 教育通过接触额外治疗药物 (MAT) 得到加强。学生还参与医院和社区康复组织之间对 SUD 患者的护理协调。所有学生在最后一年都接受 MAT 豁免培训,并准备在毕业后为 SUD 开出治疗处方。这种综合课程整合的经验或许可以帮助其他组织实施类似的组成部分,并使下一代医生能够胜任并有效地治疗 SUD 患者。所有学生都在最后一年接受 MAT 豁免培训,并准备在毕业时为 SUD 开具治疗处方。这种综合课程整合的经验或许可以帮助其他组织实施类似的组成部分,并使下一代医生能够胜任并有效地治疗 SUD 患者。所有学生都在最后一年接受 MAT 豁免培训,并准备在毕业时为 SUD 开具治疗处方。这种综合课程整合的经验或许可以帮助其他组织实施类似的组成部分,并使下一代医生能够胜任并有效地治疗 SUD 患者。
