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Review of The life of José María Sobral: scientist, diarist, and pioneer in Antarctica, by Mary R. Tahan (2018). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. 336 pp. ISBN 978-3-319-67267-0.
Polar Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-19 , DOI: 10.33265/polar.v38.3756
Pat Millar

A very young man, the first Argentine to explore and work in Antarctica, a man alone in many ways, a man who kept a diary: Jose Maria Sobral (1880–1961) was a member of the Swedish South Polar Expedition (1901–1903) shore party of six men, headed by Professor Otto Nordenskjold, which worked on Snow Hill Island off the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. His presence among the Scandinavians was a trade-off for the support of the Argentine government, which had supplied food and provisions. Sobral, a 21-year-old under-lieutenant in the Argentine navy, performed expedition work in meteorology


玛丽·R·塔汉 (Mary R. Tahan) 对何塞·玛丽亚·索布拉尔 (José María Sobral) 的生平:南极洲的科学家、日记作者和先驱者的评论 (2018)。瑞士 Cham:施普林格国际出版社。336 页。 ISBN 978-3-319-67267-0。

一个非常年轻的人,第一个在南极洲探索和工作的阿根廷人,一个在很多方面都是孤独的人,一个记日记的人:何塞·玛丽亚·索布拉尔 (1880–1961) 是瑞典南极探险队 (1901–1903) 的成员) 由六人组成的岸边派对,由 Otto Nordenskjold 教授领导,他们在南极半岛尖端的雪山岛上工作。他在斯堪的纳维亚人中的存在是对提供食物和粮食的阿根廷政府的支持的一种权衡。21 岁的阿根廷海军少尉索布拉尔 (Sobral) 从事气象科远征工作