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Et Dukkehjem in Arabic Translation
Ibsen Studies Pub Date : 2017-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15021866.2017.1308170
Gunvor Mejdell

As has often been noted, authors of original works make “national” literature, while translations (and translators) make “world” literature. Ibsen’s plays were translated from Norwegian into English, German, French, Russian, and other European languages, and only from these relay translations into languages of the world beyond. And it was in such a “world literature” framework the plays were translated into Arabic, in series such as “Masterpieces of World Drama”, “World Theatre”, and “Library of world dramatic work”. In this article, I will discuss some translations of Et Dukkehjem (A Doll’s House) into Arabic. To begin with, I shall provide a short literary, cultural/political and linguistic background for framing these translations in the Arabic literary “polysystem”. Next, I will discuss some challenges encountered when trying to map Arabic Ibsen translations and their sources, before I present “my” translations of A Doll’s House and make some textual comparisons with a focus on certain key linguistic and cultural items.


Et Dukkehjem 阿拉伯语翻译

正如经常提到的,原创作品的作者创造了“民族”文学,而翻译(和译者)创造了“世界”文学。易卜生的戏剧被从挪威语翻译成英语、德语、法语、俄语和其他欧洲语言,并且只有从这些中继翻译成其他世界的语言。正是在这样的“世界文学”框架下,戏剧被翻译成阿拉伯语,形成了“世界戏剧杰作”、“世界戏剧”、“世界戏剧作品图书馆”等系列。在本文中,我将讨论 Et Dukkehjem(玩偶之家)的一些阿拉伯语翻译。首先,我将提供一个简短的文学、文化/政治和语言背景,以在阿拉伯文学“多元系统”中构建这些翻译。下一个,