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Cinema of Crisis and the Documentary Impulse: The UPF Masters in Creative Documentary
Hispanic Research Journal Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14682737.2019.1584466
Enrique Fibla-Gutiérrez 1

Abstract In this article, I analyse the relationship between contemporary Spanish documentary and the two crises that have deeply affected the country’s film industry in the last years: the financial crisis and the crisis of legitimacy of Spanish cinema amongst spectators and critical discourse. Specifically, I look at how the Masters in Creative Documentary of the UPF (Universidad Pompeu Fabra) has fostered an alternative documentary culture aimed at reconciling cinema’s role as a critical observer of neoliberal development in Spain. I focus on the university institution itself as a state-funded space of resistance to the ‘unthinking’ dynamics of the Spanish commercial film industry, especially in terms of its relation to actuality. To examine such issues in detail, I look at a paradigmatic case study from the UPF context: the film La plaga (Neus Ballús, 2013), which depicts the struggles of people in the periphery of Barcelona as globalised capitalism remaps and redefines their lives. Although humble and modest, the ‘UPF model’ is perhaps the seed for a future Spanish cinema that can speak both to the public’s reality and against the neoliberal conquest of every realm of society.


危机电影和纪录片冲动:UPF 创意纪录片大师

摘要 在本文中,我分析了当代西班牙纪录片与过去几年深刻影响该国电影业的两次危机之间的关系:金融危机和西班牙电影在观众和批评话语中的合法性危机。具体来说,我研究了 UPF(庞培法布拉大学)的创意纪录片大师如何培养另类纪录片文化,旨在调和电影作为西班牙新自由主义发展的批判观察者的角色。我将大学机构本身作为一个国家资助的空间来抵制西班牙商业电影业“不经思考”的动态,尤其是在与现实的关系方面。为了详细研究这些问题,我从 UPF 上下文中查看了一个典型的案例研究:电影 La plaga(Neus Ballús,2013 年),它描绘了巴塞罗那周边地区的人们在全球化资本主义重新映射和重新定义他们的生活时的斗争。尽管谦虚和谦虚,“UPF 模式”也许是未来西班牙电影的种子,它既可以讲述公众的现实,也可以反对新自由主义对社会各个领域的征服。